diplomsko delo
Tamara Križnjak (Author), Silvo Dajčman (Mentor)


V zadnjih dveh stoletjih smo priča množičnemu preseljevanju ljudi iz podeželja v mesta. Tudi podatki, prikazani v diplomskem delu, kažejo, da se stopnja urbanizacije naglo zvišuje. Mnogo ekonomistov meni, da je urbanizacija oziroma aglomeracijske ekonomije eden izmed dejavnikov, ki povečuje rast realnega BDP države oz. gospodarsko rast. V diplomskem delu smo proučevali, ali obstaja med urbanizacijo in gospodarsko rastjo v EU linearna povezava in kakšna je jakost te povezave. Izsledki obstoječih študij nekaterih avtorjev kažejo na pozitivno povezavo, spet drugi pa na statistično neizoblikovano povezavo med spremenljivkama. Raziskava v empiričnem delu diplomskega dela se nanaša na proučevanje korelacije oz. linearne povezanosti med urbanizacijo in gospodarsko rastjo v 14-ih evropskih državah (Belgija, Francija, Nemčija, Italija, Luksemburg, Nizozemska, Danska, Irska, Grčija, Portugalska, Španija, Avstrija, Finska in Švedska) med leti 1970 in 2018. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela je najprej prikazana stopnja urbanizacije in stopnja gospodarske rasti za proučevane države v obravnavanem obdobju, nato pa je izračunana tudi povprečna stopnja urbanizacije in povprečna stopnja gospodarske rasti. Pri ugotavljanju povezanosti med povprečno gospodarsko rastjo in povprečno stopnjo urbanizacije za proučevane države nismo opazili nobenega tipičnega vzorca. Države, ki so po povprečni stopnji urbanizacije najvišje na lestvici, ne dosegajo tudi najvišje povprečne gospodarske rasti. Korelacijska analiza povezanosti med stopnjo urbanizacije in gospodarsko rastjo za posamezne države v vzorcu kaže, da med spremenljivkama največkrat obstaja le zmerna ali šibka korelacija, v nekaterih državah pa je povezanost neznatna. Poudariti moramo tudi, da se je v večini držav izoblikovala negativna povezanost, kar pomeni, da povečanje stopnje urbanizacije sovpada z zmanjševanjem gospodarske rasti. Tudi presečna analiza na celotnem vzorcu proučevanih držav kaže na obstoj negativne, vendar šibke korelacije med spremenljivkama. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da se je v večini evropskih držav med leti 1970 in 2018 izoblikovala šibka negativna linearna povezanost med stopnjo urbanizacije in gospodarsko rastjo držav. Ugotavljamo tudi, da povprečna stopnja urbanizacije v proučevanih državah ni povezana z datumom priključitve Evropski uniji, saj ustanovitvene države ne beležijo večjih povprečnih stopenj urbanizacije kot ostale, pozneje priključene države.


mesta;urbanizacija;gospodarska rast;gospodarski razvoj;linearna korelacija;Evropska unija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: T. Križnjak
UDC: 338.1:911.375.1
COBISS: 82632451 Link will open in a new window
Views: 324
Downloads: 37
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Urbanization and economic growth in the countries of the European Union
Secondary abstract: In the last two centuries, we have witnessed a mass migration of people from the countryside to the cities. The findings of this thesis also show that the level of urbanization is rapidly increasing in the world. Many economists believe the urbanization or agglomeration economy to be one of the factors increasing the real GDP of a country or its economic growth. In the thesis, we have examined the existence and strength of a linear correlation between the urbanization and economic growth in the EU. Some results of the existing studies indicate a positive correlation, while the others show a statistically unformed relation between the two variables. The research in the empirical part of the thesis refers to the study of the linear correlation between the urbanization and economic growth in the 14 European countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland and Sweden) between 1970 and 2018. In the empirical part, we have firstly shown the level of urbanization and economic growth of the countries studied in the researched period and then we have calculated the average level of urbanization and economic growth. No typical pattern in determination of the correlation between the average economic growth and the average level of urbanization was observed. The countries that are on the top of the scale in terms of the average level of urbanization, do not reach the highest average economic growth. The correlation analysis between the level of urbanization and economic growth in a particular country shows that there is usually only a moderate or a weak correlation between the variables, and in some countries the correlation is insignificant. We would also like to point out the formation of a negative correlation in most countries meaning that the increased level of urbanization coincides with the decreasing economic growth. The cross-sectional analysis in the countries studied also indicates the existence of a negative, but a weak correlation between the two variables. Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that a weak negative correlation between the level of urbanization and economic growth in the countries was formed in the period of 1970 to 2018. We have also observed that the average level of urbanization in the studied countries is not related to the date the country has joined the European Union, since the founding countries do not have higher average levels of urbanization in comparison to those that have joined the EU later.
Secondary keywords: cities;urbanization;economic growth;European Union;linear correlation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 43 str.
ID: 13298380