diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Ema Šušteršič (Author), Mojca Škerget (Mentor), Maja Čolnik (Co-mentor)


Lupina granatnega jabolka vsebuje veliko vrednih komponent, ki so dobri tudi za naše zdravje. Namen diplomske naloge je bil preučiti izkoristke ekstrakcije lupin granatnega jabolka ter koncentracijo vrednih spojin v ekstraktih. Uporabili smo dve različni ekstrakcijski metodi, enostopenjsko ekstrakcijo s podkritično vodo in dvostopenjsko ekstrakcijo, kjer smo v prvi stopnji uporabili konvencionalno ekstrakcijo z vodo ali etanolom, v drugi stopnji pa smo ekstrakt pridobljen v prvi stopnji ponovno ekstrahirali v podkritični vodi. Cilj raziskave je bil pridobiti ekstrakte s čim višjo vsebnostjo elagne kisline. V ta namen smo preučili tudi možnost koncentriranja elagne kisline v ekstraktih s spiranjem ekstraktov z metanolom. Rezultati raziskav kažejo, da se izkoristek enostopenjske ekstrakcije lupin granatnega jabolka znižuje z višanjem temperature, pri tem pa se zvišuje izkoristek trdne faze v reakcijski zmesi, ki predstavlja netopni del. S pomočjo UV-Vis spektrofotometra smo določevali vsebnost totalnih fenolov in flavonoidov v ekstraktih. Ugotovili smo, da se pri zviševanju temperature v enostopenjski ekstrakciji vsebnost celokupnih fenolov in flavonoidov zmanjšuje. V vseh ekstraktih lupin granatnega jabolka smo zaznali visoko antioksidativno aktivnost (več kot 80 %). S tem lahko potrdimo visoko vsebnost antioksidativnih komponent v lupini granatnega jabolka. S pomočjo HPLC analize smo določili vredne komponente (elagna kislina, 5-HMF, 5-metilfurfural, furfural) v posameznih ekstraktih. Ugotovili smo, da dobimo pri dvostopenjski ekstrakciji višjo koncentracijo elagne kisline v ekstraktih, ko uporabimo v prvi stopnji kot topilo etanol (473,4 mg/g ekstrakta elagne kisline). Najvišjo vsebnost pa dobimo, ko ta ekstrakt koncentriramo še z metanolom in znaša 618,6 mg/g ekstrakta. V primeru enostopenjske ekstrakcije s podkritično vodo dobimo najvišjo koncentracijo elagne kisline v ekstraktu pridobljenem pri 250 °C in 3 min, in sicer 153 mg elagne kisline/g ekstrakta. Poleg elagne kisline smo v enostopenjski ekstrakciji analizirali tudi koncentracijo 5-HMF, furfurala in 5-metilfurfurala, ki pa so prisotni v bistveno nižjih koncentracijah.


Granatno jabolko (Punica granatum L);totalni fenoli;totalni flavonoidi;elagna kislina;antioksidativnost;podkritična voda;biooglje;odpadna biomasa;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Publisher: [E. Šušteršič]
UDC: 634.64:547.562.4(043.2)
COBISS: 80434691 Link will open in a new window
Views: 415
Downloads: 81
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Separation of valuable compounds from pomegranate peel
Secondary abstract: Pomegranate peel contains many valuable components that are also good for our health. The purpose of the thesis was to investigate the yields of pomegranate peel extraction and the concentration of valuable compounds in the extracts. Two different extraction methods were used, single stage extraction with subcritical water and two stage extraction in which conventional extraction with water or ethanol was carried out in the first stage and in the second stage the extract obtained in the first stage was extracted with subcritical water. The aim of the research was to obtain extracts with the highest possible content of ellagic acid. For this purpose, we also investigated the possibility of concentrating ellagic acid in the extracts by washing the extracts with methanol. The research results show that the yield of one-step extraction of pomegranate peel decreases with increasing temperature, while the yield of the solid phase in the reaction mixture, which is the insoluble part, increases. The content of total phenols and flavonoids in the extracts was determined using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. It was found that the content of total phenols and flavonoids decreased with increasing temperature in single step extraction. High antioxidant activity (more than 80%) was observed in all pomegranate peel extracts. This confirms the high content of antioxidant components in pomegranate peel. Valuable components (ellagic acid, 5-HMF, 5-methylfurfural, furfural) in each extract were determined by HPLC analysis. It was found that two-step extraction gave higher concentration of ellagic acid in the extracts when ethanol (473.4 mg / g ellagic acid extract) was used as solvent in the first step. The highest content is obtained when this extract is concentrated with methanol and is 618.6 mg / g of extract. In the one-step extraction with subcritical water, the highest concentration of ellagic acid is obtained in the extract obtained at 250 °C and 3 minutes, namely 153 mg of ellagic acid / g of extract. In addition to ellagic acid, the concentrations of 5-HMF, furfural and 5-methylfurfural were also analyzed in the one-step extraction, which are present in much lower concentrations.
Secondary keywords: Pomegranate (Punica granatum L);total phenols;total flavonoids;ellagic acid;antioxidant;subcritical water;biochar;waste biomass;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Pages: XI, 35 str.
ID: 13299014
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