diplomsko delo
Laura Šeligo (Author), Vlasta Rodošek (Mentor)


V zaključnem delu je podan predlog sanacije odseka ceste R3-694, ki leži v občini Polzela. Najprej smo podali vizualno oceno o poškodovanosti voziščne konstrukcije, kar smo storili po metodi modificiranega švicarskega indeksa. Po pridobljeni oceni poškodovanosti ter analizi obstoječega stanja, smo predlagali 3 variante sanacije voziščne konstrukcije. Te si sledijo po investicijski zahtevnosti. V varianti 1 smo predlagali popolno zamenjavo voziščne konstrukcije ter predlog ureditve avtobusnih postajališč, križišč, odvodnjavanja ter menjava oziroma dodajanje manjkajoče prometne signalizacije. V varianti 2 smo predlagali preplastitev z ureditvijo odvodnjavanja. Varianta 3 pa obsega samo dela rednega vzdrževanja, kjer bi popravili samo odseke, ki so najbolj poškodovani. Vsi predlogi za sanacijo obstoječe voziščne konstrukcije, so podani po pravilih tehničnih specifikacij ter veljavnih zakonov.


MSI;voziščna konstrukcija;poškodbe;vzdrževanje;tehnična specifikacija za javne ceste;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [L. Šeligo]
UDC: 625.76(043.2)
COBISS: 79746563 Link will open in a new window
Views: 461
Downloads: 55
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Damage to asphalt roads and determination of damage condition using the MSI method-road R3 - 694
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis includes a proposal of manintenance measures for the road section R3-694, which lies in the municipality of Polzela. For assessment of the road condition and damage of road pavement structure, visual method of modified Swiss index method is used. After obtaining an assessment of the damage and analysis of the existing condition, 3 variants for road pavement structure improvement is proposed. These follow each other in terms of investment complexity. In variant 1, a complete replacement of the road pavement structure and a proposition for the arrangement of bus stops, intersections, drainage and the replacement or addition of missing traffic signals is suggested. Variant 2 includes resurfacing with a drainage arrangement. The regular maintenance work only is planned in variant 3, where only the individual sections that are most damaged would be repaired. All proposals for improving the road surface condition and existing road pavement structure are given in accordance with the rules of technical specifications and applicable laws.
Secondary keywords: road pavement structure;damage;maintenance;technical specification for public roads;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Prometno inženirstvo
Pages: VIII, 87 str.
ID: 13300459