diplomsko delo
Kaja Purić (Author), Sonja Hlebš (Reviewer), Renata Vauhnik (Mentor)


Uvod: Ritmična gimnastika je olimpijski šport, ki združuje prvine orodne gimnastike, plesa in baleta. Za uspešnost v tem športu so pomembne dobro razvite vse motorične sposobnosti, zlasti gibljivost in koordinacija, saj morajo dekleta med izvajanjem skokov, piruet in ravnotežij, obvladati tudi manipulacijo z rekviziti, kot so kolebnica, obroč, žoga, kiji in trak. Za ritmično gimnastiko je značilna zgodnja specializacija, saj dekleta že s 15. leti postanejo članice. Od mladinske kategorije naprej povprečno trenirajo petkrat do šestkrat tedensko po 5 ur na dan. Posledično so izpostavljena visoko intenzivnim treningom že pred nastopom pubertete. Za tako visoke obremenitve je potrebna najvišja raven zmogljivosti športnika. To lahko povzroči telesno in duševno izčrpanost športnika, kar ga izpostavi povečanemu tveganju za poškodbe. Za dobro preprečevanje poškodb moramo podrobno poznati mehanizem nastanka poškodbe, vedeti, katere poškodbe se pojavljajo glede na anatomsko lokacijo, ter njihove dejavnike tveganja, saj lahko le tako delujemo preventivno. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature predstaviti pojavnost mišično-skeletnih poškodb v ritmični gimnastiki v Sloveniji in po svetu. Metode dela: Iskanje strokovne in znanstvene literature je potekalo preko podatkovnih baz PubMed in COBISS z izbrano kombinacijo ključnih besed. Pri iskanju smo vključili časovni okvir, in sicer od leta 2014 do 2020. Podatke za slovenske ritmičarke smo pridobili v podatkovni bazi projekta Celostna priprava športnika, ki ga letno izvaja Gimnastična zveza Slovenije. Rezultati: Na podlagi vključitvenih in izključitvenih kriterijev smo v pregled literature vključili 7 raziskav. Vključene raziskave so preučevale pojavnost poškodb pri rekreativnih ter vrhunskih tekmovalkah ritmične gimnastike. Skupno je v raziskavah sodelovalo 1470 preiskovancev. Rezultati so pokazali, da prevladujejo kronične poškodbe. Kot najbolj izpostavljen del telesa smo zabeležili trup ter spodnji ud. Najpogostejše anatomske lokacije poškodb so gleženj, koleno ter ledveni del hrbta. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da je pojavnost poškodb v Sloveniji in svetu dokaj podobna ter da na poškodbe v ritmični gimnastiki vplivajo različni dejavniki tveganja, na katere v večini lahko vplivamo. Preventiva ter ustrezna rehabilitacija sta ključ za zmanjšanje pojavnosti poškodb.


diplomska dela;fizioterapija;ritmična gimnastika;poškodbe;pojavnost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [K. Purić]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 74914563 Link will open in a new window
Views: 548
Downloads: 172
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Incidence of musculoskeletal injuries in rhythmic gymnastics - literature review
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport that combines elements of artistic gymnastics, dance and ballet. In order to be successful in this sport, it is important that all motor skills are well developed, especially mobility and coordination, as girls, during jumping, pyruet and balance, also have to cope with the manipulation of props such as rope, hoop, ball, clubs and ribbon. Rhythmic gymnastics is characterised by early specialisation, as girls have become members since the age of 15. From the youth category onwards, on average, they are training five to six times a week, 5 hours a day. As a result, they are already exposed to highly intensive training prior to the onset of puberty. Such high burdens require the highest level of capacity of the athlete. This can lead to physical and mental depletion of athletes, exposing them to an increased risk of injury. To successfully prevent injuries, we need to know in detail the mechanism of injury, what injuries occur in relation to anatomical location and their risk factors, as this is the only way to make effective prevention. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to present the incidence of muscular skeletal injuries in rhythmic gymnastics in Slovenia and worldwide through a review of the expert reviews and scientific literature. Methods: The search for professional and scientific literature was conducted through the PubMed and COBISS databases, using a selected combination of keywords within a time-frame of 2014 to 2020. Data are obtained for Slovenian rhythmic gymnastics in the database of the ‘Integrated preparation of athletes’ project, which is carried out annually by the Slovenian Gymnastic Federation. Results: Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 surveys have been included in the literature review. Those surveys investigated the incidence of injuries in recreational and top-class rhythmic gymnastics. In total, 1470 subjects participated in the surveys. The results showed that chronic injuries predominate. The trunk and the lower limb are recorded as the most exposed part of the body. The most common anatomical locations of injuries are the ankle, the knee and the lumbar spine. Discussion and conclusion: We found that the incidence of injuries in Slovenia is quite similar to that in the world and that injuries in rhythmic gymnastics are exposed to various risk factors, most of which we can have control over. Prevention and physiotherapy aim at preventive action are key to reducing the incidence of injuries.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;physiotherapy;rhythmic gymnastics;injuries;incidence;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za fizioterapijo
Pages: 22 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 13303749