magistrsko delo
Petra Sedlašek (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Inovacije vladajo našim življenjem. Prva industrijska revolucija je prinesla strojno proizvodnjo ter razvoj v transportu s parno lokomotivo in železnicami. Pojavile so se prve tovarne in napredek v telekomunikaciji. Z drugo industrijsko revolucijo se razširi serijska proizvodnja, ki jo omogočita izum elektrike in tekočega traku. Mesta so rastla, tovarne so se širile. Tretja industrijska revolucija, imenovana tudi digitalna revolucija, je razširila uporabo računalnikov in interneta. Beležimo tudi pojav prvih celovitih informacijskih rešitev. Omenjene revolucije smo zgolj na kratko opisali, podrobneje pa smo se posvetili raziskovanju četrte industrijske revolucije, ki vodi spremembe v sodobnem svetu. V času drastičnih sprememb organizacije povečujejo naložbe v tehnologijo za izboljšanje uspešnosti poslovanja, reševanje težav, doseganje operativne odličnosti in ustvarjanje vrednosti za delničarje. V magistrski nalogi smo se lotili raziskovanja digitalne transformacije. Kako daleč so organizacije na poti do digitalne transformacije? Mnoga podjetja danes veliko vlagajo v posodobitev poslovanja z inovativnimi tehnologijami, da lahko ostajajo pred trgom in povečujejo vrednost. Čeprav to daje konkurenčno prednost, to ni dovolj. Za izstopanje v današnjem gospodarstvu morajo podjetja vseh velikosti in v vseh panogah biti okretna. Zraven digitalne transformacije smo zato raziskovali tudi pojem pametna organizacija. Podrobneje smo se ustavili pri tehnologiji, kot so umetna inteligenca, internet stvari, velike količine podatkov, računalništvo v oblaku ipd. Z nekaterimi smo se srečali že pri industriji 4.0 in digitalni transformaciji. Omenjeno tehnologijo lahko organizacije v svoje poslovanje vključujejo s pomočjo informacijskih rešitev. V raziskavo smo zato vključili podjetje SAP kot enega izmed gigantov poslovnih informacijskih rešitev. Podrobneje smo raziskali rešitev SAP Leonardo, na koncu pa predstavili še tri primere podjetij, ki so s pomočjo SAP rešitev dosegla naziv pametne organizacije. V magistrskem delu smo tako izpostavili pomembnost uporabe inteligentnih tehnologij v konkurenčnem, hitro spreminjajočem se svetu, ki zahteva vedno hitrejše odgovore na potrebe in želje kupcev.


digitalna transformacija;industrija 4.0;pametna organizacija;informacijska tehnologija;inteligentna tehnologija;informacijske rešitve;SAP;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: P. Sedlašek
UDC: 004.77:005
COBISS: 81911811 Link will open in a new window
Views: 290
Downloads: 51
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Establishing an intelligent enterprise using SAP solutions
Secondary abstract: Innovation dictates our lives. The first industrial revolution brought machine production and development in transport by steam locomotive and railways. First factories and advances in telecommunications appear. With the second industrial revolution, serial production was expanded, made possible by the invention of electricity and the conveyor belt. Cities grew, factories expanded. The third industrial revolution, also called the digital revolution, expanded the use of computers and the Internet. We are also recording the emergence of the first enterprise resource planning systems. We have only briefly described these revolutions and devoted more detail to the study of the fourth industrial revolution, which is leading the change in the modern world. In times of drastic change, organizations are increasing investment in technology to improve business performance, solve problems, achieve operational excellence and create value for shareholders. With this in mind, we set out to explore digital transformation. But how far are organizations on the path to digital transformation? Many companies today are investing heavily in modernizing their business with innovative technologies so that they can stay ahead of the market and increase value. Although this gives a competitive advantage - it is not enough. To stand out in today’s economy, companies of all sizes and in all industries need to be agile. In addition to the digital transformation, we therefore also researched the concept of intelligent enterprise. We focused in more detail on technology such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and so on. We’ve met some already in Industry 4.0 and Digital Transformation. Organizations can incorporate this technology into their business through information solutions. We therefore included SAP in the research, as one of the giants of business information solutions. We researched the SAP Leonardo solution in more detail, and finally presented three examples of companies that have achieved the title of intelligent enterprise with the help of SAP solutions. In the master's thesis, we emphasized the importance of the use of intelligent technologies in a competitive, rapidly changing world, which requires ever faster responses to the needs and desires of customers.
Secondary keywords: digital transformation;industry 4.0;intelligent enterprise;SAP;intelligent technology;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: III, 78 str.
ID: 13316799