magistrsko delo
Jerneja Breznik (Author), Dragan Potočnik (Mentor)


Palestinsko krizno žarišče predstavlja eno najdlje trajajočih kriznih žarišč sodobne zgodovine. Judovsko-arabski spor, ki ga je zaznamovalo trčenje dveh nacionalizmov med 19. in 20. stoletjem, je od ustanovitve izraelske države leta 1948 prerasel v konflikt svetovnih razsežnosti. Britanska mandatna oblast, ki je v Palestini nastopila po prvi svetovni vojni in se obdržala do leta 1948, je v regiji prvotno varovala lastne strateške interese in se izkazala za neuspešnega mediatorja pri naraščajočih napetostih med Judi in Arabci. Po umiku britanskih mandatnih oblasti so vprašanje Palestine prevzeli Združeni narodi, ki so se v okviru posebne komisije UNSCOP s palestinskim vprašanjem ukvarjali od leta 1947. V poročilu UNSCOP-a sta bili predvideni dve rešitvi: delitev Palestine na dve državi in federativna ureditev. Jugoslavija, ki se je takrat že počasi uveljavljala na mednarodnem prizorišču, je zagovarjala slednjo, kar pa se ni uresničilo. Jugoslavija je pri reševanju palestinske problematike v okviru Gibanja neuvrščenih odigrala ključno vlogo. Po sporu z Informbirojem je pričela z lastno zunanjepolitično usmeritvijo, ki se je odražala predvsem pri reševanju palestinsko-izraelskega vprašanja.


magistrska dela;Bližnji vzhod;Palestina;Izrael;palestinski konflikt;Jugoslavija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [J. Breznik]
UDC: 94(5-15)"19/20"(043.2)
COBISS: 81136131 Link will open in a new window
Views: 304
Downloads: 69
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Palestinian question in the context of Yugoslavia's foreign policy
Secondary abstract: Israeli-Palestinian conflict represents one of the longest-lasting conflicts in modern history. The Jewish-Arab conflict started as a crash of two nationalist movements throughout the 19th and 29th centuries. After 1948 it escalated into a conflict of global character. British mandatory power, which was established in Palestine after World War I, and lasted until 1948 was protecting British strategic position in the region of Near East. After the last British soldier left Palestine in the middle of 1948, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was in the domain of the United Nations that founded UNSCOP, a special committee for Palestine that had dealt with the question of partition from 1947. In the UNSCOP's report, the two possible solutions were presented: a plan of partition and a plan of one state with two federal units. The latter was found support in Yugoslavia which was at that time gradually establishing its position in an international field. As a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement, Yugoslavia played a pivotal role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After the 1948's split with the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia began her international policy which was reflected in its participation in resolving the Palestinian conflict.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Near East;Palestine;Israel;Palestinian conflict;Yugoslavia;Zgodovina;Arabsko-izraelski spor;Palestina (država);Izrael;1899-1999;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: VI f., 110 str.
ID: 13319640