diplomsko delo
Maja Pogačnik (Author), Peter Stanković (Mentor)


Organiziran kriminal velja za eno bolj priljubljenih in donosnih tem hollywoodske produkcije. Zaradi določenih dvoumnih opredelitev in tajnega delovanja so gangsterji v filmih podvrženi različnim oblikam romantiziranja in mitologiziranja. Primarni cilj diplomskega dela bo preučiti način s katerim Martin Scorsese v svojih filmskih klasikah reprezentira ter razvija lik italijanskega gangsterja. Na podlagi analize reprezentacij bom analizirala prevladujoče lastnosti italijanskih gangsterjev ter njihov odnos do nasilja, družine in cerkve. V empiričnem delu bom s pomočjo semiotične analize primerjala razvoj likov italijanskih gangsterjev na podlagi štirih popularnih filmov Martina Scorseseja. Ker se filmi gibljejo v časovnem razmaku petdesetih let, od 1973 do 2019, bom preučila glavni pomen in zapuščino gangsterjev, s katerimi Scorsese navdušuje tako občinstvo kot tudi strokovne kritike. Ker pa se Scorsese v zadnjem času sooča s kritikami, da v njegovih filmih primanjkuje ženskih likov, si bom med drugim prizadevala tudi za potrditev oziroma zavrnitev teh očitkov.


gangster;Scorsese;Film Noir;reprezentacija;filmska analiza;Martin;1942-;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Pogačnik]
UDC: 316.74:778.5(043.2)
COBISS: 79891203 Link will open in a new window
Views: 290
Downloads: 31
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: the development of the Italian gangster character in Martin Scorsese films
Secondary abstract: Organised crime is considered one of the more popular and lucrative themes of Hollywood production. Due to certain ambiguous definitions and covert action, gangsters in films are subjected to various forms of romanticisation and mythologizing. The primary goal of the thesis will be to examine the way in which Martin Scorsese represents and develops the character of the Italian gangster in his film classics. Based on the analysis of representations, I will analyse the main features of Italian gangsters and their attitudes towards violence, family and church. In the empirical part, I will use semiotic analysis to compare the development of the characters of Italian gangsters based on four popular films by Martin Scorsese. Because films move in the time span of the fifty years, from 1973 to 2019, I will examine the main significance and legacy of the gangsters with whom Scorsese impresses both audiences and professional critics. However, since Scorsese has been facing criticism lately for the lack of female characters in his films, I will, among other things, try to confirm or refute these accusations.
Secondary keywords: gangster;Scorsese;Film Noir;representation;film analysis;Filmske študije;Film studies;Gangsterski filmi;Gangster films;Množična kultura;Popular culture;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 40 str.
ID: 13324728
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