diplomsko delo
Sabina Rožac (Author), Marko Renčelj (Mentor)


Pešci so v prometu najbolj ogrožena skupina, zato je pomembno, da jim posvetimo največ pozornosti, da jim omogočimo varnost. Na prehodih za pešce jim to zagotovimo z ustrezno prometno signalizacijo, opremo in razsvetljavo. Ustrezna razsvetljava omogoča, da vozniki pravočasno opazijo približevanje prehodu in pešce ter kolesarje na prehodu ali ob njem. Kako morajo biti prehodi osvetljeni, določajo smernice in zakoni. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljeno, kako za to poskrbita slovenska in tuja regulativa. Namen naloge je ugotoviti, kako so izbrani prehodi za pešce v Krškem varni z vidika osvetljenosti. Eksperimentalni del naloge vsebuje merjenje osvetljenosti izbranih prehodov za pešce. Pridobljene vrednosti so analizirane in primerjane z zahtevami slovenske regulative. Ugotovimo, da približno polovica prehodov ne zadošča zahtevam, iz tega pa lahko sklepamo, da varnost pešcev ni zadostna. Na koncu je izvedena še analiza prometnih nesreč na prehodih za pešce v Krškem, ki pokaže, da sta se v zadnjih 30 letih na prehodih zgodili samo dve prometni nesreči.


promet;cestna razsvetljava;prehod za pešce;osvetljenost;varnost pešcev;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [S. Rožac]
UDC: 628.98:656.142(043.2)
COBISS: 81019139 Link will open in a new window
Views: 387
Downloads: 58
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the appropriate lighting of selected pedestrian crossings in Krško
Secondary abstract: Pedestrians are the most vulnerable group in traffic, so it is significant to pay the most attention to them and their safety. We can achieve that by providing appropriate traffic signals, lighting at pedestrian crossings, and other traffic equipment designed for maximizing the safety of pedestrians. Adequate lighting gives drivers optimal vision to spot approaching crossing and pedestrians or cyclists at or along the pedestrian crossing. How the passages should be enlightened is determined by guidelines and laws. This diploma represents how the safety of pedestrians is taken care of by Slovenian and foreign regulations. The purpose of the diploma is to determine if the street lighting of the selected crossings in Krško meets the requirements from the perspective of illumination. The experimental part includes measuring the illumination of selected pedestrian crossings. The obtained results are analyzed and compared with the requirements of Slovenian regulations. We find out that about half of the pedestrian crossings do not meet the requirements, and from this, we can conclude that pedestrian safety is not sufficient. An analysis of traffic accidents on the selected crossings in Krško shows that only two traffic accidents have occurred in the last 30 years.
Secondary keywords: traffic;civil engineering;public lighting;pedestrian crossing;pedestrian safety;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Gradbeništvo
Pages: X, [54] str.
ID: 13325942