diplomsko delo Visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje Strojništvo
Andraž Pinterič (Author), Marko Šimic (Mentor), Niko Herakovič (Co-mentor)


Pri proizvodnji elektronsko komutiranih elektromotorjev za avtomobilsko industrijo se med industrijo 4.0 zahteva 100-% sledljivost izdelkov in njihovih parametrov izdelave. Treba je zagotoviti čimbolj porazdeljeno kontrolo kakovosti izdelave, da se slabe kose čimprej izloči ter se tako zmanjša stroške nadaljnje obdelave ali celo reklamacij v primeru, da pri končni kontroli napak ni možno zaznati. V okviru diplomske naloge je popisano trenutno stanje mesta za kontrolo kakovosti faznih kontaktov na statorski montažni liniji. Iz kataloga napak, ki ga ureja oddelek kakovosti, so izbrani tipi napak, ki se pojavljajo, trenutno pa niso zajeti v kontrolo kakovosti na tem mestu. Izbrana je primerna kamera glede na aplikacijo, izdelan pa je tudi nov nosilec, ki je nastavljiv. Na liniji se namreč trenutno izdelujeta dve različni vrsti statorjev z različnima položajema predmetov kontrole kakovosti, zato je nastavljivost položaja kamer na nosilcu nujna ob menjavi serij. Zunaj linije je pripravljeno preizkusno mesto, kjer so se glede na zahteve namestile kamere z obzirom čim boljšega posnemanja razmer na proizvodnji liniji. Izdelani ter nastavljeni sta dve vrsti programa. Na koncu je izbran program s strojnim učenjem, podrobneje pa so predstavljeni tudi rezultati. Sistem strojnega vida je po zaključku naloge pripravljen za montažo na proizvodnjo linijo.


diplomske naloge;strojni vid;montaža;kontrola kakovosti;optična kontrola;avtomatska kontrola izdelkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Pinterič]
UDC: 004:658.56:658.515(043.2)
COBISS: 77188355 Link will open in a new window
Views: 614
Downloads: 105
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Development of machine vision system for product quality control in assembly process
Secondary abstract: In the manufactering of electronically commutated electric motors for the automotive industry during Industry 4.0, 100-% traceability of products and their manufacturing parameters is required. It is necessary to ensure distrubuted quality control during the macufacturing process to eliminate defective parts as soon as possible, thus reducing the cost of further processing the parts or even complaits from customers in the event of defective parts not being eliminated during the final inspection because of manufacturing errors not being detected. The diploma thesis describes the current state of the quality control location for the phase contacts on the stator assembly line. Several errors are selected from the error catalog, which is updated by the company's quality control department. This types of errors currently occur, but are not covered by the quality control at this location. A suitable camera is selected according to the application, and a new adjustable camera mount is made. Two different types of stators are being manufactured on the production line, so adjustable position of the cameras is necessary when changing the type of stator being produced. Outside the production line, a test site has been prepared, where we installed the cameras and the structural configuration accoring to the requirements and the conditions inside the production line were imitated. Two types of programs have been created and set up. After testing, a program with machine learning is selected, and the results are presented in more detail. At the end of this diploma thesis, the machine vision system is ready for installation on the production line.
Secondary keywords: thesis;machine vision;assembly;quality control;optical inspection;automatic product inspection;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXII, 46 str.
ID: 13339008
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