magistrsko delo
Tea Knez (Author), Sonja Mlaker Kač (Mentor), Mateja Čuček (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo obravnavali tematiko družbene odgovornosti in ugotovili, da se začetki družbeno odgovornega vedenja kažejo že v starodavnih rimskih zakonih. Pri proučevanju tematike smo prišli do spoznanja, da ni enotne definicije družbene odgovornosti, saj si jo vsak avtor razlaga po svoje. Vsem definicijam je skupno prizadevanje za odgovorno družbeno, ekonomsko in okoljsko ravnanje. Teoretično spoznanje smo nato nadgradili z analizo kriterijev družbene odgovornosti v desetih slovenskih, francoskih in danskih transportnih podjetjih. Za vsako izbrano transportno podjetje smo pregledali tudi spletne medije in ugotovili, ali podjetje dejansko posluje družbeno odgovorno. Na osnovi dobljenih ugotovitev smo primerjali, kakšno je dojemanje družbene odgovornosti v posamezni državi. Spoznali smo, da transportna podjetja v Sloveniji, Franciji in na Danskem tej tematiki posvečajo veliko pozornosti. Vsa podjetja se zavedajo pomembnosti družbeno odgovornega vedenja do vseh, ki so neposredno ali posredno vključeni v poslovanje, saj pozitivno vpliva na dobičkonosnost in konkurenčnost podjetij.


družbena odgovornost;kritična analiza;komparativna analiza;transportna podjetja;logistika;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [T. Knez]
UDC: 331.103
COBISS: 86616067 Link will open in a new window
Views: 318
Downloads: 28
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of social responsibilities between selected Slovenian, French and Danish transport companies
Secondary abstract: In the Master’s thesis, we discussed the topic of social responsibility and found that the origins of socially responsible behaviour are showing already in ancient Roman laws. Through studying of the topic, we found that there is no uniform definition of social responsibility, since each author interprets it in his own way. What all definitions have in common, is a joint effort for responsible social, economic and environmental behaviour. We then upgraded the theoretical knowledge by analysing the criteria of social responsibility in ten Slovenian, French and Danish transport companies. For each chosen transport company, we also checked the online media and checked, if the company is really socially responsible in its business activities. Based on the findings, we compared the perception of social responsibilities in individual countries. We found that transport companies in Slovenia, France and Denmark devote a lot of attention to this topic. All companies are aware of the importance of socially responsible behaviour towards all those, who are directly or indirectly involved in their business activities, since it has a positive impact on profitability and competitiveness of companies.
Secondary keywords: social responsibility;transport companies;key stakeholders in companies;internal dimension;external dimension;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: XI, 127 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 13343732