diplomsko delo
Timotej Fink (Author), Goran Vukovič (Mentor)


Diplomsko delo obsega temo kadrovanja s trenerji v hokejskem klubu Olimpija. Kadrovanje je proces, ki vsebuje aktivnosti, povezane z ugotavljanjem potreb po kadrih, pridobivanju kadrov, izobraževanju le-teh in skrb za nenehno motivacijo svojih zaposlenih. Vse to je ključ do uspešne športne organizacije in konkurenčne prednosti pred ostalimi. V prvem sklopu diplomskega dela smo predstavili teoretične značilnosti kadrovanja v športu s poudarkom na trenerjih. Prvi del zajema vse od same ugotovitve in potrebe po novem trenerju, do njegove pridobitve oziroma zaposlitve, izobraževanja in skrbi za njegovo motivacijo. V drugem sklopu smo opravili intervju z direktorjem Hokejskega kluba Olimpija, gospodom Jožetom Kovačem. Celotna raziskava temelji na intervjuju, ki nam je dal vpogled in pomagal raziskati, kako se kadrovanja s trenerji lotevajo v največjem hokejskem klubu v Sloveniji. V tretjem in zadnjem sklopu smo za konec na podlagi raziskave napisali naše rešitve. Prva rešitev se nanaša na pridobivanje mlajših trenerjev, katere bi v trenerske vode popeljali že v mlajših letih. Druga rešitev pa se nanaša na izobraževanje trenerjev, ki bi morala biti pogostejša in ponujena že v začetkih trenerske kariere in bi pripomogla k še ustreznejšemu kadrovanju s trenerji.


šport;hokej;izbor kadrov;kadrovanje;trenerji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [T. Fink]
UDC: 331.5
COBISS: 85537027 Link will open in a new window
Views: 206
Downloads: 31
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Coach staffing in hockey club olimpija
Secondary abstract: The diploma thesis covers the topic of coach staffing in the Olimpija Hockey Club. Recruitment is a process that includes activities related to identifying the needs for staff, acquiring staff, educating them, and taking care of the constant motivation of its employees. All this is the key to a successful sports organization and competitive advantage over others. In the first part of the diploma, we presented the theoretical characteristics of staffing in sports with an emphasis on coaches. The first part covers everything from the very finding and need for a new coach, his acquisition or employment, education and care for his motivation. In the second part, we conducted an interview with the director of the Olimpija Hockey Club, Mr. Jože Kovač. The entire research is based on this interview, which gave us an insight and helped us to explore how staffing with coaches is approached in the largest hockey club in Slovenia. In the third and last part, we wrote our solutions based on the research. The first solution concerns the recruitment of younger coaches, who would be taken into coaching waters at an early age. The second solution refers to the training of coaches, which should be more frequent and offered at the beginning of the coaching career and would contribute to even more appropriate staffing with coaches.
Secondary keywords: Kadrovanje uslužbencev;Športna društva;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VI, 41 f.
ID: 13343821