zaključno delo
Data has never been as desired or valued as it is today. The value of data and information over the past decade has not only changed trends in business and the IT industry but has also changed the dynamic of work. Enormous amounts of aggregate data offer companies and other corporations the option to explore and study data samples. Data collection and information processing are new dynamic factors, not only for individuals but also for corporations. Companies and corporations who are able to process large amounts of data in the shortest possible time can place themselves in a leading position in certain professions. In this bachelor’s thesis we will describe the basic concepts and factors that have shaped new, cloud-based data warehouse technologies. At the same time, we also emphasize why and how these technologies are used. We focus on how the changing technology influenced the users and their consumption of data, the changing dynamics of work as well as the changes of data itself. In the practical part, we created two DWH environments (on-premises and cloud) that we compare with each other. In the experiment, we underlined the fact that CDWHs are in certain situations not always faster than TDWH.
data warehouses;cloud computing;outsourcing;data;information;
Language: |
English |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FERI - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
Publisher: |
[R. Virant] |
UDC: |
004.76-022.218(043.2) |
Views: |
374 |
Downloads: |
48 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
Slovenian |
Secondary title: |
Primerjava tradicionalnih in sodobnih arhitektur podatkovnih skladišč / |
Secondary abstract: |
Podatki še nikoli niso bili tako zaželeni in cenjeni kot dan danes. Vrednost podatkov in informacij je vzadnjem desetletju ne le spremenila trendov v poslovanju in IT industriji, vendar je tudi dinamiko dela. Ogromne količine zbranih podatkov podjetjem in drugim korporacijam ponujajo možnost raziskovanja in preučevanja poslovnih vzorcev. Zbiranje podatkov in obdelava informacij sta nova dinamična dejavnika, ne le za posameznike, ampak tudi za podjetja. Podjetja in korporacije, ki lahko v najkrajšem možnem času obdelajo največ podatkov, se lahko postavijo na vodilno mesto. V moji diplomski nalogi bomo opisali osnovne koncepte in dejavnike, ki so oblikovali nove tehnologije shranjevanja in procesiranja podatkov v oblaku. Hkrati pa bomo poudarjali, zakaj in kako se te tehnologije spreminjajo. V praktičnem delu smo ustvarili dve okolji podatkovnih skladišč (lokalno in oblačno), ki smo jih kasneje primerjali. V eksperimentu ugotavljamo dejstvo, da so oblačna podatkovna skladišča v določenih situacijah bolj omejena in počasnejša kot pa tradicionalna oblika podatkovnih skladišč. |
Secondary keywords: |
podatkovna skladišča;računalništvo v oblaku;zunanje izvajanje;podatki;informacije;diplomske naloge; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Informatika in tehnologije komuniciranja |
Pages: |
XV, 93 f. |
ID: |
13348986 |