diplomsko delo
Alen Lovrec (Author), Zlatko Nedelko (Mentor)


Živimo v času nenehnih sprememb, ki se med drugim odražajo tudi na trgu dela. Ena pomembnejših značilnosti svetovnega trga dela v zadnjih letih je naraščanje deleža ženske delovne sile na vodilnih mestih. Čeprav se stvari premikajo, je naša družba daleč od enakosti, saj se ženske pri doseganju najvišjih položajev v organizacijah še zmeraj srečujejo z nekaterimi ovirami na delovnih mestih. Nekatere si postavljajo same, druge jim postavljajo družba in delovne zahteve. Da bi lahko ženske uresničile svoj potencial, morajo prepoznati ovire, ki jih pestijo na delovnem mestu, ter najti in uporabiti načine za njihovo premagovanje. Najpogostejše ovire vključujejo stereotipe o moškem in ženskem spolu, prebijanje steklenega stropa (predsodki, diskriminacija), kulturne, zakonske, izobraževalne in podjetniške ovire, spolno nadlegovanje in druge. V nalogi na podlagi intervjuja in lastnih ugotovitev podamo predloge za lažje premagovanje oziroma odpravo teh ovir.


management;vodenje;stili vodenje;razlike med spoloma;stereotipi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [A. Lovrec]
UDC: 005-055.1/.2
COBISS: 88664067 Link will open in a new window
Views: 349
Downloads: 60
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Differences between male and female leadership
Secondary abstract: We live in a time of constant change, which is also reflected in the labour market. One of the most important characteristics of the global labour market in recent years is the growing share of the female work force in leading positions. Even though the situation is changing, our society remains far from an equal one, as women are still facing some barriers in the workplace in achieving the highest positions in organisations. Some are set by themselves, others by society and work requirements. In order for women to realise their potential, they need to identify the barriers they face in the workplace, while finding and using ways to overcome them. The most common barriers include gender stereotypes, breaking the glass ceiling (prejudice, discrimination), cultural, statutory, educational and entrepreneurial barriers, sexual harassment and other. In the thesis we make suggestions for overcoming and eliminating these barriers based on the interview and our own findings.
Secondary keywords: management;management style;manager;stereotypes;men;women;female leadership;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 34 str.
ID: 13351950
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