magistrsko delo
Amela Sijarić (Author), Andrej Gubina (Mentor)


V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge se nahaja predstavitev delovanja sončne elektrarne in opis njenih komponent. Opravljen je pregled sprememb cen sončnih modulov med leti 2010 in 2020 na evropskem trgu. Nato sledi vpogled v sončne elektrarne v Sloveniji, kjer je navedeno stanje števila postavljenih sončnih elektrarn, opisan je postopek za postavitev in možnosti za pridobitev finančnih spodbud. Podrobneje je opisan način postavitve sončnih elektrarn za samooskrbo, saj je poudarek prav na njih. Prav tako so navedene glavne razlike med individualno, večstanovanjsko in skupnostno samooskrbo. Predstavljeni so vsi stroški, ki jih ima investitor ob delovanju samooskrbne sončne elektrarne, in razložene so spremembe, ki jih bo prinesel predlog Zakona o spodbujanju rabe obnovljivih virov energije. Za namene parametrizacije in kalibracije spletnega orodja Value Analysis Tool, ki je rezultat evropskega projekta COMPILE, je opravljena kategorizacija tipičnih odjemalcev električne energije glede na elektrifikacijo, prav tako je opravljen pregled drugih kategorizacij. Omenjeno spletno orodje je po korakih opisano in bralca ob izračunih vodi do končnega rezultata, ki pove dobo odplačevanja samooskrbne sončne elektrarne. V analitičnem delu smo primerjali ekonomsko upravičenost sončne elektrarne za samooskrbo v primeru letnega in v primeru 15-minutnega obračuna. Izračun je opravljen za tri velikosti sončnih elektrarn, in sicer za 6kW, 11kW in 30 kW – prvi dve za individualno in zadnja za skupnostno samooskrbo. V rezultatih podajamo primerjavo ekonomske upravičenosti za primer trenutne ureditve z letnim obračunom porabe in proizvodnje energije, ter za primer prihajajoče ureditve s 15-minutnim obračunom. Na koncu podajamo ugotovitve in predloge za nadaljnje delo.


sončne elektrarne;samooskrba;ekonomska upravičenost;magisteriji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [A. Sijarić]
UDC: 621.311.243:33(043.2)
COBISS: 75909123 Link will open in a new window
Views: 350
Downloads: 104
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Economic analysis of solar power plants for energy self-supply
Secondary abstract: In this master's thesis, the theoretical part presents the operation of a solar power plant and describes its components. An overview of changes in the prices of solar modules between 2010 and 2020 on the European market has been performed. This is followed by an insight into solar power plants in Slovenia and the number of installed solar power plants is stated along with the description of the procedure for installation and the possibilities for obtaining financial incentives. This master's thesis places the emphasis on the method of setting up solar power plants for self-sufficiency and this is described in more detail. The main differences between individual, multi-dwelling and community self-sufficiency are also listed. All the costs incurred by the investor in the operation of a self-sufficient solar power plant are presented and the changes that will be brought by the bill on the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources are explained. For the purpose of the online tool Value Analysis Tool, which is the result of the European project COMPILE, the categorization of typical electricity consumers according to electrification is performed, as well as a review of other categorizations. The mentioned online tool is described step by step and guides the reader in the calculations to the final result, which tells what the payback period of a self-sufficient solar power plant is. In the analytic part of the thesis, we compare the economic viability of a solar power plant for self-sufficiency in the case of an annual and in the case of a 15-minute billing. The calculation is performed for three sizes of solar power plants: 6kW, 11kW and 30 kW - the first two for individual and the last one for community self-sufficiency. The results provide a comparison of economic justification for the case of the current regulation with the annual billing (with netting of energy consumption and production), and for the case of the upcoming regulation with a 15-minute billing. Finally, we present findings and suggestions for further work.
Secondary keywords: solar power plants;self - sufficiency;economic viability;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000316
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: XXI, 101 str.
ID: 13359936
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