magistrsko delo magistrskega študijskega programa II. stopnje Strojništvo
Sara Trček (Author), Jurij Prezelj (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu se je tako na praktičnem primeru potrdilo hipotezo, da lahko z vpeljavo umetne inteligence, specifično z uporabo nenadzorovanih algoritmov strojnega učenja, izboljšamo rezultate subjektivne klasifikacije in s tem določevanja intervala ustreznosti validacije. Izboljšava temelji na dejstvu, da človeški možgani niso sposobni objektivno odločati o kvaliteti večdimenzionalnega problema. Obravnavani so vzorci črpalk, ki se bodo uporabljale v aplikaciji vbrizga vode pri prisiljeno polnjenih bencinskih motorjih. Aplikacija zahteva črpalko, ki bo delovala v širokem območju pogojev, kar predstavlja velik izziv pri razvoju, izdelavi in montaži. Tekom testiranja se je tako zaradi tehnologije izdelave in ozkih toleranc pokazal problem ponovljivosti izdelkov. Črpalke se je testiralo v štirih obratovalnih točkah, ki predstavljajo točke dejanskega obratovanja v aplikaciji. Glavne izhodne veličine: pretok, hitrost vrtenja elektromotorja, sesalni tlak pred črpalko, izhodni tlak za črpalko, izhodni električni tok, električna napetost, izhodni fazni tok ter fazna napetost so predstavljale vhodne podatke za klasifikacijo z algoritmi. Zaradi narave podatkov sta se za najbolj primerna algoritma izkazala Kohonenova samoorganizirajoča nevronska mreža in algoritem K-povprečja. Klasifikacija z algoritmi je pokazala, da obstajata dva glavna razreda črpalk. Črpalke se bolj kot v karakteristiki pretoka v odvisnosti od vrtljajev elektromotorja med seboj razlikujejo v izkoristku, kar odstopa od subjektivnih ocen merilca.


magistrske naloge;zobniške črpalke;hidravlične meritve;strojno učenje;klasifikacija z algoritmi;samoorganizirajoča mreža;K-povprečja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Publisher: [S. Trček]
UDC: 621.664:004.85(043.2)
COBISS: 78639875 Link will open in a new window
Views: 443
Downloads: 32
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Quality control of pumps using an unsupervised classification algorithm on pressure, flow and efficency measurment data
Secondary abstract: This master's thesis addresses the use of uncontrolled AI algorithms to improve the results of subjective classification and determining the validation interval. The improvement is based on the fact that the human brain is not able to objectively decide on the quality of a multidimensional problem. It focuses on the pumps that will be used in water injection application in forced-induction petrol engines. This application requires a pump that would work in a wide spectrum of conditions, which is a challenge for the development, production, and assembly phases. While testing, the problem of product repeatability arose due to the manufacturing method and fine tolerances. Pumps were tested on four operating points, which represent the points of effective operation in the application. The main outputs: flow rate, rotational speed of the electric motor, suction pressure in front of the pump, output pressure behind the pump, electrical output, voltage, current output, and phase voltage served as input data for algorithm classification. Due to the nature of these data, the most suitable algorithms proved to be Kohonen%s self-organizing map and the K-mean algorithm. As a results of algorithm classification, two main groups of pumps were identified. Pumps differ one from another, not in terms of flow rate depending on rotational speed of the electric motor, but in terms of efficiency, which deviates from subjective measurements.
Secondary keywords: master thesis;gear pumps;hydraulic measurments;machine learning;classification by algorithms;self-organising network;K-means;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 2022-09-01
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fak. za strojništvo
Pages: XXII, 66 str.
ID: 13366717
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