magistrsko delo
Martina Lovrec (Author), Vesna Klokočovnik (Mentor)


Preučevali smo dejavnost opraševalcev na jagodnjaku Fragaria x ananassa Duch. sorte 'Lia' ter opazovali vedenjski repertoar medonosne čebele. Zanimali sta nas dejavnost in pestrost opraševalcev glede na del dneva, temperaturo, vremenske razmere ter gostoto opraševalcev glede na število cvetov v dveh nasadih jagod. Beležili smo tudi frekvenco opraševanja ter vedenje medonosne čebele na cvetovih. V obeh nasadih je bil najpogostejši opraševalec medonosna čebela, sledijo dvokrilci in čebele samotarke, v manjšem deležu pa se pojavljajo tudi ostali opraševalci. Dejavnost opraševalcev je bila čez dan različna, na kar so vplivali vremenski pogoji, predvsem temperatura. Medonosna čebela je najbolj aktivna sredi dneva ob sončnem vremenu, brez dežja, medtem ko so bili čmrlji in dvokrilci bolj dejavni zjutraj in zvečer. Pri ostalih opraševalcih je bila dejavnost glede na del dneva podobna. Gostota opraševalcev se ni bistveno razlikovala glede na število cvetov. Povprečna hitrost opraševanja pri medonosni čebeli je 7,1 cvetov/min. Čebele izkazujejo podoben vedenjski repertoar na pobranih in nepobranih cvetovih, le da se na nepobranih cvetovih zadržujejo dlje časa. Prav tako nismo ugotovili vedenjskih razlik med čebelami s polnimi in praznimi koški, le to da so se čebele s polnimi koški v povprečju hitreje premikale po cvetu. Uspešnost opraševanja s pomočjo letečih opraševalcev je bila kar za 52 % večja.


magistrska dela;opraševanje;divji opraševalci;medonosna čebela;jagodnjak 'Lia';


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [M. Lovrec]
UDC: 631.527.82:638.121.2:582.639.13(043.2)
COBISS: 84625923 Link will open in a new window
Views: 301
Downloads: 22
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Pollinator activity on the strawberries Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cultivar 'Lia' and the behavioral repertoire of the honeybee
Secondary abstract: We studied the activity of pollinators on the strawberry Fragaria x ananassa Duch. cultivar 'Lia' and observed the behavioural repertoire of the honeybee. We were interested in the activity and diversity of pollinators according to part of the day, temperature, weather conditions and the density of pollinators in relation to the number of flowers in two strawberry plantations. We also recorded the frequency of pollination and the behaviour of the honeybee on the flowers. In both plantations the most common pollinator was the honeybee, followed by diptera and solitary bees and a smaller part of other pollinators. The activity of pollinators varied during the day, which was influenced by weather conditions, especially temperature. The honeybee was most active in the middle of the day in sunny weather with no rain. While bumblebees and diptera were more active in the morning and evening. For other pollinators the activity was similar according to part of the day. The density of pollinators did not differ significantly in terms of number of flowers. The average pollination rate of the honeybee was 7.1 flowers / min. Bees express a similar behavioural repertoire on harvested and unharvested flowers, except that they linger longer on unharvested flowers. We also found no behavioural differences between bees with full and empty corbiculas, except that bees with full corbiculas moved faster around the flower on average. The success of pollination with the help of flying pollinators was 52 % higher.
Secondary keywords: master theses;pollination;wild pollinators;honeybee;strawberry 'Lia';Opraševanje;Opraševalci;Čebele;Jagodnjak (rastlina);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VII, 53 str.
ID: 13372649