magistrsko delo
Suzana Remih (Author), Darja Pavlič (Mentor)


Ženske so bile večji del zgodovine zaradi prevlade patriarhata v slabšem družbenem položaju kot moški. Ko so ženske začele opažati svoje drugorazredne vloge, se je razvil feminizem, ki se je zavzemal za ukinitev podrejenega položaja žensk na vseh področjih. V tem obdobju se je tudi književnost, predvsem izpod peres pisateljic, ukvarjala z vprašanji položaja žensk v družbi. V svojem magistrskem delu sem skozi analizo romana Ženske skušala ugotoviti, kakšne družbene vloge imajo ženski liki v romanu in katere feministične ideje se v delu pojavijo. Roman Marilyn French, ki sledi življenju in feminističnemu prebujanju Mire Ward in njenih prijateljic, vsekakor vsebuje feministične ideje. Ženski liki, ki so na začetku romana ujeti v tradicionalnih ženskih vlogah, se odločijo za spremembe, se odpovedujejo neuspešnim zakonom in med sabo govorijo o neenakosti med spoloma. Prikazovanje ekonomske odvisnosti žensk, bremen materinstva in neplačanega gospodinjskega dela, pomanjkanja časa za lastne interese, neenakopravnosti, manjvrednosti, izkoriščanja, zatiranosti ali celo nevidnost v javnih in zasebnih življenjih so glavne teme romana. Pisateljica pa prikaže tudi bolečino in ovire, ki ženske čakajo na poti do osvoboditve, saj boj proti močnim družbenim strukturam prinese trpljenje, odpovedovanje in osamljenost.


magistrska dela;Marilyn French;Ženske;feminizem;družbene vloge;spol;odnosi;družbeni položaj žensk;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Remih]
UDC: 141.72:316(043.2)
COBISS: 83510019 Link will open in a new window
Views: 269
Downloads: 36
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Feminist Ideas and Social Roles of Women in Marilyn French’s Novel The women’s room
Secondary abstract: For the greater part of history, women have been in a worse social position then men duo to the dominance of patriarchy. Once women started to notice their second-rate roles, feminism, which advocated the abolition of the subordinate position of women in all fields, has developed. During this period, the literature, especially written by female writers, also dealt with the issues of women's position in society. In my master's thesis, I tried to determine the social roles of female characters in the novel and the feminist ideas that appear in the work. Marilyn French's novel, which follows the life and feminist awakening of Mira Ward and her friends, certainly includes feminist ideas. The female characters, trapped in traditional female roles at the beginning of the novel, opt for a change, forgo failed marriages, and discuss gender inequality. Showing the economic dependence of women, the burdens of motherhood and unpaid household work, lack of time for their own interests, inequality, inferiority, exploitation, oppression or even invisibility in public and private lives are the main themes of the novel. The writer also conveys the pain and obstacles that women face on the path to liberation, as the fight against strong social structures brings suffering, sacrifices and loneliness.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Marilyn French;The Women's Room;feminism;social roles;gender;relationships;social status of women;French;Marilyn;1929-2009;Feminizem;Družbena vloga;Ženske in književnost;Literarni liki;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za slovenski jezik in književnost in Oddelek za sociologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VI, 82 str.))
ID: 13387531