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Gašper Renko (Author), Sabina Berne (Reviewer), Simona Sušnik Bajec (Mentor), Ida Djurdjevič (Co-mentor)


Za potočno postrv (Salmo trutta, Linnaeus 1758 ) je značilen vzorec črnih in rdečih pik na koži. Rdeče pike so razporejene predvsem v bočni regiji ob pobočnici. Nedavno so v regiji rdečih pik na koži postrvi opisali nov tip eritrofor (tip 2), ki se razlikujejo od eritrofor tipa 1, ki so poleg številnih melanofor prisotne v črni piki. Koža v regiji rdečih pik ima tudi zelo specifičen profil izražanja mnogih genov, povezanih s pigmentacijo. To specifično izražanje bi lahko povezali z eritroforami tipa 2, ki kožo rdeče obarvajo. Da bi to potrdili, je potrebno določiti profil izražanja genov le-tega tipa celic. Kromatofore iz kože je potrebno osamiti od preostalih celic v koži. Optimizirali smo postopek izolacije in odvzema kromatofor iz kože postrvi in kot prvi predstavili protokol za izolacijo posameznih pigmentnih celic iz kože potočne postrvi, pri čemer ni potrebno žrtvovati živali. Z uporabo protokola smo uspeli osamili eritrofore tipa 1, eritrofore tipa 2 in melanofore iz različno obarvanih regij kože. Iz odvzetih celic smo izolirali RNA in s qPCR analizirali izražanje desetih genov s potrjeno vlogo v pigmentaciji in treh genov povezanih s pobočnico. Kljub majhnemu vzorcu in statistično nepodprtim rezultatom menimo, da ima vsak tip kromatofor, vključno z obema tipoma eritrofor, zanj specifičen profil izražanja genov. Na podlagi rezultatov in opažanj, povezanih z rdečo pigmentacijo, smo postavili hipotezo, da rdeče pike oz. eritrofore tipa 2 sodelujejo pri zaznavanju zunanjih dražljajev.


ekspresija genov;pobočnica;biopsija;potočna postrv;pigmentacija;kromatofore;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [G. Renko]
UDC: 601.4:577.21:597.552.53:579.258(043.2)
COBISS: 76568323 Link will open in a new window
Views: 270
Downloads: 41
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Candidate gene expression profile in individual types of brown trout chromatophores (Salmo trutta)
Secondary abstract: The brown trout (Salmo trutta, Linnaeus 1758) is characterized by a pattern of black and red spots on the skin. The red spots are distributed mainly across the lateral line region along the flanks. Recently, in the region of red spots, a new type of erythrophores (type 2) has been described, that differs from the erythrophores type 1, which are, in addition to numerous melanophores, present in the black spots. The skin in the red spots region also has a very specific expression profile of many genes associated with pigmentation. This specific expression may be associated with the erythrophores type 2, which stain the skin red. To confirm this, it is necessary to determine the expression profile of only this cell type. Chromatophores from the skin need to be isolated from other cells in the skin. We optimized the process of isolation and removal of chromatophores from trout skin and were the first to present a protocol for the isolation of individual pigment cells from brown trout skin, without the need to sacrifice the animals. Using this protocol, we were able to isolate erythrophores type 1, erythrophores type 2, and melanophores from differently colored regions of the skin. The RNA was isolated from the sampled cells and the expression of ten genes with a confirmed role in pigmentation and three genes associated with the lateral line organ, was quantified by qPCR. Despite the small sample size and statistically unsupported results, we conclude that each type of chromatophores, including both types of erythrophores, has a specific gene expression profile. Based on the results and observations associated with red pigmentation, we hypothesize that red dots or erythrophores type 2 are involved in the detection of external stimuli.
Secondary keywords: gene expression;lateral line;biopsy;brown trout;pigmentation;chromatophores;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Študij biotehnologije
Pages: IX, 56 f., [4] f. pril.
ID: 13388529