Alfred Veliki
Luka Klajderič (Author), Martin Bele (Mentor)


Anglosaški kralj Alfred Veliki je edini kralj v angleški zgodovini, ki si je prislužil naslov Veliki. Wessex je v 9. stoletju že imel primat v Veliki Britaniji, a so navkljub temu obstajala druga kraljestva, ki so jim načelovali druge dinastije, kar je onemogočalo proces unifikacije oziroma združevanja Anglosasov v enoten narod. Pri unifikaciji je ključno vlogo odigral prav kralj Alfred, četudi je šele njegov vnuk Æthelstan leta 927 postal prvi kralj Angležev. Alfred je namreč s številnimi reformami, še posebej na področju kulture, izobrazbe in vojske, dodobra preoblikoval svoje kraljestvo. V tovrstne ukrepe je bil prisiljen zaradi več razlogov, kot najpomembnejšega sem izpostavil prisotnost Vikingov v Veliki Britaniji oziroma vikinška invazija na anglosaško ozemlje ter posledično dolgoletna vojna za preživetje. Ko je Alfred Veliki nasledil svojega brata Æthelreda in stopil na wesseški prestol, se je nemudoma moral soočiti z vikinško nevarnostjo. Wessex se je kot edino anglosaško kraljestvo uspel obraniti, a le za kratek čas. Leta 878 je moral Alfred zbežati v izgnanstvo v kraj Athelney, kjer je začel zbirati svoje rojake in organizirati upor. Prelomnico predstavlja bitka pri Edingtonu leta 878, ko so Anglosasi dosegli veliko zmago. Po sklenjenem mirovnem sporazumu se je ozemlje kasnejše Anglije razdelilo na anglosaško kraljestvo Wessex in vikinško ozemlje Danelaw. Po stabiliziranju razmer in utrditvi svojega kraljestva se je Alfred posvetil urejanju notranjega ustroja Wessexa. Tlakoval je pot za svoje naslednike, ki so nadaljevali z bojem proti Vikingom, uspeli doseči unifikacijo svojega ljudstva in ohranili ozemeljsko celovitost kasnejše angleške države.


magistrska dela;Alfred Veliki;Anglosasi;Vikingi;Wessex;Mercija;Northumbrija;roparski pohodi;krščanstvo;unifikacija;Anglija;Velika Britanija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [L. Klajderič]
UDC: 94(410)"08":2(043.2)
COBISS: 82310147 Link will open in a new window
Views: 349
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great
Secondary abstract: The Anglo-Saxon king, Alfred the Great, is the only king in English history given the title the Great. In the 9th century, Wessex had the leading position in Great Britain, but there were other kingdoms, ruled by other dynasties, that prevented the process of unification of Anglo-Saxons into one nation. Regarding unification, King Alfred the Great played a major part, even though his grandson, Æthelstan, became the first king of the English in 927. Alfred's reforms, especially those regarding the culture, education and army, reshaped his kingdom. He was forced into these measurements for many reasons; I've outlined the Viking presence in Great Britain or the Viking invasion of Anglo-Saxon land and consequently a long lasting war for survival as the most important reason. When Alfred the Great succeeded his brother Æthelred and sat on the Wessex throne, he immediately had to confront the Vikings. Wessex was the only Anglo-Saxon kingdom that was successful in the struggle against the Vikings, but not for long. In 878 Alfred was forced to flee into exile in Athelney, where he started recruiting his compatriots and organized a rebellion. The 878 Battle of Edington represents the turning point of events, because the Anglo-Saxons were triumphant. After the peace treaties were established, the territory of later England was divided into Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Wessex and Viking land Danelaw. After the conditions were stable and his kingdom was strengthened, Alfred started to focus on organising the interior structure of Wessex. He paved the way for his successors, who continued to fight against the Vikings, managed to unify their people and preserve territorial integrity of the later English state.
Secondary keywords: master theses;Alfred the Great;Anglo-Saxons;Vikings;Wesex;Marcia;Northumbria;raids;unification;Christianity;England;Great Britain;Alfred Veliki;anglosaški kralj;849-899;Zgodovina;Vikingi;Anglija (Velika Britanija);Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: V, 109 f.
ID: 13389127