diplomsko delo
Staša Marolt (Author), Tadeja Rozman (Mentor)


Komunikacija je ena najpomembnejših veščin, ki jo usvajamo celo življenje. Po eni strani jo lahko vidimo kot nekaj povsem preprostega in samoumevnega, ampak poglobljeno raziskovanje te tematike pokaže, da je lahko zelo zapletena. Komunikacija ni pomembna samo v domačem okolju, ampak tudi v profesionalnem, saj z njo vplivamo na uspešno doseganje ciljev in ugled organizacije. V diplomskem delu smo proučevali notranjo poslovno-uradovalno komunikacijo v organizacijah, kjer smo se osredotočili na zaposlene v javnem in zasebnem sektorju, in sicer z namenom ugotoviti, ali obstajajo katere ključne razlike med njima. Izpostavili smo verbalni način komunikacije, ki vključuje govorno, pisno in elektronsko komunikacijo. V teoretičnem delu je bila uporabljena metoda deskripcije, s katero se je pojasnjevalo ključne pojme in teorije, in sicer kaj je komunikacija, kakšne vrste in načini komunikacije obstajajo ter kako poteka v organizacijah. V empiričnem delu je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metoda, in sicer anketiranje. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da ima več anketirancev organizirana izobraževanja/usposabljanja o komunikaciji v javnem sektorju. Najpogostejši način komunikacije med zaposlenimi je uporaba telefona. V nadaljevanju smo ugotovili, da komunikacija zelo vpliva na motivacijo zaposlenih, uspešnost organizacije in medosebne odnose. Na splošno zaposleni, ne glede na sektor, dobro poznajo in upoštevajo pravila poslovno-uradovalne komunikacije. V javnem sektorju emotikone uporabljajo v večini le s sodelavci, medtem ko v zasebnem sektorju emotikone uporabljajo tako s sodelavci kot tudi vodjo. Zaposlene v javnem sektorju motijo slovnične napake, pogovorno izražanje in tikanje, zaposlene v zasebnem sektorju pa slovnične napake in pogovorno izražanje. Zaposleni v javnem sektorju pogosteje vikajo nadrejene kot zaposleni v zasebnem sektorju.


javni sektor;zasebni sektor;komunikacija;poslovno-uradovalna komunikacija;notranja komunikacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FU - Faculty of Administration
Publisher: [S. Marolt]
UDC: 005.57(043.2)
COBISS: 78784003 Link will open in a new window
Views: 375
Downloads: 82
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparison of communication between employees in public and private sector organizations
Secondary abstract: Communication is one of the most important skills we learn throughout our lives. On the one hand, it seems very simple and natural, but an in-depth study of this subject shows that it can be very complicated. Communication it is important not only in the domestic environment, but also in the professional environment, where it helps us to successfully achieve goals and strengthen the reputation of the company. The thesis looks at internal business and office communication in organizations, focusing on employees in the private and public sectors to identify possible key differences between the two sectors. The focus is on verbal communication, which includes oral, written and electronic communication. In the theoretical part, the descriptive method was used to explain the main concepts and theories, namely what communication is, what are the forms and modes of communication and how communication takes place in organizations. In the empirical part, the quantitative method, i.e. survey, was used. The survey results show that several respondents participate in organized training programs on communication in the public sector. The most common form of communication among employees is telephone. Communication was found to have a great impact on employee motivation, organizational performance, and interpersonal relationships, which most respondents agreed with. In general, regardless of the sector, employees are well acquainted with and follow the rules of business and office communication. In the public sector, employees mainly use emoticons when communicating with colleagues, while in the private sector, they use emoticons when communicating with colleagues and with their supervisor. Public sector employees are bothered by grammatical errors, colloquialisms and informal salutations while private sector employees are bothered by grammatical errors and colloquialisms. Employees in the public sector are more likely to address their superiors formally than employees in the private sector.
Secondary keywords: public sector;private sector;communication;business and office communication;internal communication;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000529
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za upravo
Pages: X, 72 str.
ID: 13418728