diplomsko delo
Staša Polanec (Author), Tilen Lednik (Author), Mojca Medič (Reviewer), Nejc Mekiš (Mentor), Erna Huskić (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Slikanje ledvene hrbtenice je v splošni rentgenski diagnostiki tretje najpogosteje opravljena preiskava, ima pa največjo dozno obremenitev. Ledveno hrbtenico lahko v stranski projekciji slikamo na levem ali na desnem boku. Običajno slikanje izvajamo v ležečem položaju. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je primerjava efektivne doze in razlika v dozni obremenitvi izbranih organov pri stranski projekciji ledvene hrbtenice na levem in desnem boku. Metode dela: Raziskavo smo izvedli na splošnem rentgenskem aparatu Multix/Vertix proizvajalca Siemens v laboratoriju Zdravstvene fakultete. Merili smo produkt absorbirane doze in površine slikovnega polja na dveh različnih fantomih. Fantoma smo slikali v RLAT in LLAT projekciji na preiskovalni mizi. Skupno smo naredili 120 ekspozicij, 30 na desnem in 30 na levem boku za vsak fantom. Uporabili smo šest različnih pospeševalnih napetosti (v razponu med 79 in 90 kV), RGS je znašala 115 cm. Velikost slikovnega polja je pri fantomu PBU 60 znašala 31 × 16,5 cm2, pri fantomu RS – 113T pa 37 × 17,5 cm2. Slikali smo z velikim goriščem (1,00 mm) in filtracijo snopa 2,5 mm Al. Z DAP metrom pa smo merili dozo ionizirajočega sevanja. Za izračun doze na organe in efektivne doze smo uporabili računalniški program PCXMC 2.0. Rezultati: Na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da obstajajo razlike med efektivno dozo pri slikanju ledvene hrbtenice v stranski projekciji na desnem in levem boku. Pri PBU 60 fantomu znaša povprečna efektivna doza na desnem boku 192,3 µSv, na levem boku pa 163,1 µSv. Pri RS 113 – T fantomu znaša povprečna efektivna doza na desnem boku 158,4 µSv, na levem boku pa 135,9 µSv. Na podlagi rezultatov smo prav tako ugotovili, da obstaja razlika med dozno obremenitvijo izbranih organov pri slikanju ledvene hrbtenice v stranski projekciji na desnem in levem boki. In sicer, pri slikanju na desnem boku prejme najvišjo dozo vranica, pri čemer znaša povprečna vrednost 1902 µGy, medtem ko na levem boku prejmejo najvišjo dozo jetra, pri čemer povprečna vrednost znaša 1067,6 µGy. Razprava in zaključek: Raziskava na fantomih je pokazala, da v povprečju slikanje na levem boku prinese efektivno dozo na organe. Pri slikanju na desnem boku je največja absorbirana doza pri bezgavkah, trebušni slinavki, tankem črevesju, vranici in želodcu. Med dozno najbolj obremenjene organe pri slikanju na levem boku pa uvrščamo jetra, debelo črevo in žolčnik.


diplomska dela;radiološka tehnologija;ledvena hrbtenica;LLAT;RLAT;efektivna doza;dozna obremenitev;kritični organi;fantom;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [S. Polanec
UDC: 616-07
COBISS: 76568835 Link will open in a new window
Views: 309
Downloads: 68
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comprasion [!] of organs irradiation in lumbar spine imaging in lateral projection
Secondary abstract: Introduction: radiography of the lumbar spine is the third most commonly performed diagnostic examination, involving the biggest dose rate to the patient. Lateral radiography of the lumbar spine can be performed with the patient lying on the right or left side. Imaging is usually performed in the supine position. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to compare the effective dose and the difference in dose rate of selected organs in the lateral projection of the lumbar spine taken on the right or left side. Methods: The study was performed using a Multix/ Vertix Siemens general radiography unit in the laboratory of Faculty of Health Sciences. Two antrophomorphic phantoms were imaged in the RLAT and LLAT projection. We took a total of 120 images, 30 on the right side and 30 on the left side for each phantom. We used six different X-ray tube voltages (between 79 and 90 kV). SDD was 115 cm. The FOV for the PBU 60 phantom was 31 × 16.5 cm and for the RS -113T phantom was 37 × 17.5 cm. We used a large focal spot (1.0 mm) and 2.5 mm of Al for filtration of the primary beam. To measure the radiation dose, the DAP meter was used. We used the PCXMC 2.0 programme to calculate the absorbed dose to selected organs and the effective dose. Results: Based on the results obtained, we found that there are differences in the effective dose measured on the side projection of the right and left side. The average effective dose on the right side for the PBU 60 phantom is 192.3 μSv and on the left side is 163.1 μSv. For the 113RS-T phantom, the average dose for the right side is 158.4 μSv and on the left side is 135.9 μSv. Based on these results, we also found that there is a difference in the dose rate of the selected organs when the images were acquired positioned on the left or right side. When positioned on the right side, the spleen received the largest dose, averaging 1902 μGy, while when positioned on the left side, the liver received an average dose of 1067.6 μGy. Discussion and Conclusion: Phantom-based studies have shown that imaging the lumbar spine lying on the left side causes a lower effective dose rate to the organs. Imaging on the right side results in the greatest absorbed dose to the lymph nodes, pancreas, small intestine, spleen, and stomach, while imaging on the left side results in the greatest dose to the liver, colon, and gallbladder
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;radiologic technology;lumbar spine;LLAT;RLAT;effective dose;dose rate;organs at risk;phantom%organs;phantom;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za radiološko tehnologijo
Pages: 31 f.
ID: 13431779