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Gozdnogojitvene vroče točke so del gozda, kjer je učinkovitost gozdnogojitvenega ukrepanja v smislu doseganja ciljev gospodarjenja z gozdom večja kot v okolici. Ker so dober pripomoček, ki lastniku prikaže v kašnem stanju je gozd in kakšne so možnosti za nadaljnji razvoj smo analizirali 6 vročih točk na parceli na Goliščah, kjer je potekala raziskava. Cilj vsake točke je bil pospeševanje proizvodnje kakovostnega lesa. Na vsaki točki smo popisali drevesa v zgornji drevesni plasti po Bitterlichovi kotnoštevni metodi. Na vsaki ploskvi smo popisali tudi dve ploskvi mladja velikosti 5 x 5 m. Analize so pokazale, da se na vseh ploskvah mladja drevesne vrste dobro pomlajujejo. Največji delež dreves v zgornji drevesni plasti, pa predstavljata kostanj in smreka. Vsaki točki smo po analizi postavili gozdnogojitveni cilj in ji določili prioriteto ukrepanja, ter ukrepe za doseganje cilja. Na podlagi analiz in postavljenega cilja predlagamo ukrepanje za pospeševanje drevesnih vrst, ki so za lastnika najbolj primerne za prodajo. Z določitvijo točk smo, v primerjavi z gozdnogojitvenim načrtom, dosegli natančnejše informacije o trenutnem stanju sestoja in prostorsko bolj natančno opredeli ukrepanje.


gozdnogojitveni načrt;gospodarjenje z gozdom;gozdnogojitvene vroče točke;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [A. M. Godec]
UDC: 630*64:630*65(043.2)=163.6
COBISS: 79155715 Link will open in a new window
Views: 248
Downloads: 44
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂuse of silvicultural hot spots to increase the intensity, forest management resistance and resilience of Golišče forest
Secondary abstract: Silvicultural hotspots are a part of the forest where the effectiveness of silvicultural measures in terms of achieving forest management goals is higher than in the surrounding area. Since they are a good tool to show the owner what the condition of forest is in and what are the possibilities for further development, we located 6 hot spots on the plot in Golišče, where the research took place. The goal of each point was to promote the production of quality wood. At each point, we listed the trees in the upper tree layer according to the Bitterlich angular method. On each hotspot, we established two plots for regeneration measurements, 5 x 5 m in size. Analyses on these plots have shown good natural regeneration in all locations. The predominant tree species in the upper tree layer were chestnuts and spruce. After the analysis, a silvicultural goal and priority level is set for each hotspot. Based on our analysis, we suggest tending measures to promote species that are most suitable for the owner in terms of market value. Hotspots give additional information, in comparison to silvicultural plan, about the present stand conditions and more spatially defined information about the location of the prescribed silvicultural treatment.
Secondary keywords: forest planning;forest management;silvicultural hot spots;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire
Pages: X, 57 str.
ID: 13491104
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