diplomsko delo
Leta 1994 se je v Južnoafriški republiki končala doba apartheida. Eden glavnih ciljev nove demokratično izvoljene vlade in njenega predsednika Nelsona Mandele je bil, po desetletjih hudih krivic in delitev v državi, narodna sprava. Ta diplomska naloga skuša prikazati najpomembnejše korake in dejanja, ki so jih Južnoafričani s svojimi voditelji naredili v tej smeri v času Mandelove vlade. Najprej sem predstavila, na kakšen način se je to prizadevanje odrazilo v formiranju in delu vlade narodne enotnosti in v novi ustavi ter zakonodaji Južnoafriške republike. Predstavila sem tudi delo Komisije za resnico in spravo, ki je bila ustanovljena z namenom, da razišče kršitve človekovih pravic v času apartheida, zbere pričevanja žrtev in storilcev, poskrbi za rehabilitacijo žrtev in reparacije, obravnava prošnje za amnestije in z javnimi obravnavami po celi državi spodbudi proces sprave med državljani. Pisala sem tudi o nekaterih najodmevnejših (simboličnih) spravnih dejanjih, ki so bila v Južnoafriški republiki storjena v teh petih letih. V zadnjem poglavju sem ugotovila, da je Mandelova vlada postavila pomemben temelj za proces narodne sprave, ki pa še vedno traja.
narodna sprava;Južnoafriška republika;Nelson Mandela;Komisija za resnico in spravo;vlada narodne enotnosti;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[J. Pinter] |
UDC: |
94(680)"1994" |
Views: |
204 |
Downloads: |
27 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
The Reconciliation Process in the Republic of South Africa during the Presidency of Nelson Mandela |
Secondary abstract: |
The epoch of South African apartheid ended in 1994. One of the main goals of the new democratically elected government and its president, Nelson Mandela, was national reconciliation after decades of severe injustice and division in the country. This diploma dissertation seeks to show the most important steps and actions South Africans and their leaders took during the Mandela government. Firstly, I presented how this effort was reflected in the formation and work of the Government of National Unity, in the new Constitution and Legislation of the South African Republic. I also discussed the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, which was set up to investigate human rights violations during apartheid, collect victims and perpetrators testimonies, rehabilitate victims and make reparations, deal with amnesty applications and promote a process of reconciliation between citizens through public hearings. Lastly, I will address some of the monumental (symbolic) South African acts of reconciliation during those five years. In the last chapter, I found that the Mandela government had laid an important foundation for the process of national reconciliation, which is still ongoing. |
Secondary keywords: |
national reconciliation;Republic of South Africa;Nelson Mandela;Truth and Reconciliation Commission;Government of National Unity; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino |
Pages: |
39 f. |
ID: |
13500695 |