diplomsko delo
Klara Urbič (Author), Franc Rojko (Reviewer), Mirjana Zagoričnik (Mentor), Jelena Ficzko (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Kovinsko-porcelanski zobni nadomestki pri izdelavi zobnih restavracij prevladujejo – zaradi estetskih odlik porcelana in prednosti zobnih zlitin. Široko se uporabljajo tudi zaradi boljših lastnosti v primerjavi s predhodnim materialom – kompozitom. Pri kovinsko-porcelanskem zobnem nadomestku zaradi kemične vezi med kovino in porcelanom ne pride do zabarvanja, kot je prišlo pri kompozitnih materialih. Ob upoštevanju pravilnih postopkov je mogoče napovedati tudi dolgo življenjsko dobo zobnega nadomestka. Za izdelavo zobnih nadomestkov je na voljo veliko strokovne literature, ki je podprta le s fotografijami. Za laboratorijskega zobnega protetika začetnika je za boljše razumevanje dobrodošel vsak dodaten medij, ki omogoča prenos znanja. Izobraževanje je v preteklih letih doživelo velik premik, saj danes vanj vključujejo informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo, ki pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju obravnavane tematike. Eden od medijev je tudi videoposnetek, ki ga je danes zelo preprosto ustvariti in objaviti. Te vsebine pripomorejo k izobraževanju, saj tematiko predstavljajo tako, da je razumevanje udeležencev izobraževanja lažje. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je izdelati kovinsko-porcelansko prevleko na zobu 11 in kovinsko-porcelansko mostovno konstrukcijo na zobeh 14, 15 in 16. Kovinsko-porcelanska prevleka in mostovna konstrukcija sta izdelani iz ogrodja iz zlitine Co-Cr in kasneje slojeni s feldšpatskim porcelanom. Postopek izdelave smo predstavili z videopredstavitvijo, ki je ob natančnem prikazu postopka izdelave podprta tudi z razlago. Videopredstavitev je bila posneta z osebnima pametnima telefonoma in zmontirana s preprostim brezplačnim programom za montažo videopredstavitev. Ta način izdelave in snemanja videopredstavitve je bil obenem tudi preizkus, ali sta osebni pametni telefon in preprosta programska oprema dovolj za izdelavo osnovne izobraževalne videopredstavitve. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Strokovno literaturo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku smo iskali na spletnih portalih Google Učenjak in COBISS ter v spletni bazi PubMed. V zobnem laboratoriju smo izdelali kovinsko-porcelansko prevleko in kovinsko-porcelansko mostovno konstrukcijo, njuno izdelavo pa dokumentirali s kamerami osebnih mobilnih telefonov. Rezultati: V zobnem laboratoriju smo naredili izdelek, postopek njegove izdelave pa dokumentirali z videopredstavitvijo, dolgo približno 20 minut. Razprava in zaključek: Kovinsko-porcelanski nadomestki so izpolnili estetske in funkcionalne zahteve. Prevleka 11 ni imela cervikalnega paščka, zato se je izkazala za bolj estetsko rešitev kot mostovna konstrukcija, pri kateri smo izdelali cervikalni pašček. Izdelana videopredstavitev se lahko uporabi pri izobraževanju, pri laboratorijskih vajah in predavanjih. Tako je poleg teorije na predavanjih v izobraževanje mogoče vnesti tudi interaktivne vsebine, v tem primeru videopredstavitev za prikaz postopka izdelave zobnega nadomestka, kar študentom omogoči boljše, lažje in hitrejše razumevanje tematike.


diplomska dela;laboratorijska zobna protetika;kovinsko-porcelanske prevleke;feldšpatski porcelan;zlitina Co-Cr;Wondershare Filmora 9;video predstavitev;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [K. Urbič]
UDC: 616.31
COBISS: 77378819 Link will open in a new window
Views: 298
Downloads: 131
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Production of metal-porcelain dental restauration supported by video presentation
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Metal–porcelain dental restorations are increasing in use due to their aesthetic and dental alloy advantages. They are also widely used because of better properties in comparison to their predecessor, composite materials. Because of the chemical bond between metal and porcelain, staining does not occur, as it does in composite materials. By following correct procedures, it is also possible to anticipate the long life of a dental restoration. An abundance of professional literature is available for producing dental restorations, but supported only by photographs. For the beginner laboratory dental prosthetist, any additional media that can be learned from is welcome for better understanding. Education has undergone a major shift in recent years because today it includes information and communication technology, which helps in better understanding topics. One of the media involved in education is also video presentations, which are very easy to create and publish nowadays. Such material contributes to education because it illustrates the topic in a way that makes it easier for students to understand. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to create a metal–porcelain crown on tooth 11 and a metal–porcelain bridge on teeth 14, 15, and 16. The metal–porcelain crown and bridge were produced on a cobalt–chromium alloy framework and then layered with feldspar porcelain. The production process itself was illustrated with a video presentation, supported by an explanation of the production process. The video presentation was recorded with a personal smartphones and edited with a simple free program for editing video presentations. This manner of producing and recording a video presentation also serves as a test of whether a personal smartphone and simple software are sufficient to create a basic educational video presentation. Methods: The thesis uses the descriptive method. Professional literature in Slovenian and English was searched for with the help of the web portal Google Scholar and COBISS, as well as the web database PubMed. A metal–porcelain crown and a metal–porcelain bridge were created in a dental laboratory, the production of which was documented with personal mobile phone cameras. Results: Metal–porcelain restorations were created in a dental laboratory; during this procedure, a 20 min video documentation was recorded. Discussion and conclusion: Metal–porcelain restorations satisfy aesthetic and functional standards. The crown on tooth 11 did not have a cervical collar, and so it turned out to be a more aesthetic solution then the metal–porcelain bridge with a cervical collar. The video presentation will be used in education as part of laboratory exercises and lectures. In addition to theory during lectures, it will be possible to introduce interactive content into education, in this case a video presentation to illustrate the process of creating a dental restoration, which will allow students to understand the topic better and more quickly.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;laboratory dental prosthetics;metal-porcelain crowns;feldspar porcelain;cobalt-chromium alloy;Wondershare Filmora 9;video presentation;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 34 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 13505870