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Prava robida (Rubus fruticosus L.) je jagodičasta sadna vrsta iz družine Rosaceae in roda Rubus. Največje površine njene pridelave so v Evropi, in drugje po svetu, na območjih z zmerno klimo. V diplomski nalogi sem želela narediti pregled literature in zbrati podatke o gojenju, kemični sestavi in uporabi plodu prave robide. Večino plodu predstavlja voda (85-90 %), fruktoza (13,8-42,69 g/kg sveže mase (SM) in glukoza (13,0-42,73 g/kg SM) ter citronska (3,01-9,82 g/kg SM), jabolčna (2,02-6,51 g/kg SM) in vinska kislina (0,00-4,39 g/kg SM). Vsebuje tudi nekaj beljakovin (0,9-1,49 g/100 g SM) in lipidov (1,4 mg/kg SM). Pomembni maščobni kislini sta linolna (omega-6) in linolenska (omega-3), ki sta prisotni v semenih. Najpomembnejša pa je visoka vsebnost vitamina C (5,55-46,01 mg/100 g SM) in fenolnih snovi (26,7-452,7 mg/100 g SM) v robidah. Plodovi robide imajo predvsem velike vsebnosti antocianinov (66,1-156,3 mg/100 g SM), ki jim dajejo temno vijolično barvo. V večjih koncentracijah so prisotni še vitamin E (1,17 mg/100 g SM) in minerala kalij ter kalcij. Kemijska sestava plodov robide omogoča široko uporabnost v kulinariki, živilski industriji, za proizvodnjo naravnih barvil, izdelavo prehranskih dopolnil in za mnoge druge namene. Poleg predelovalnih potencialov je pomembna hranilna vrednost robid in pozitiven vpliv na zdravje ljudi, ki je posledica nekaterih bioaktivnih snovi v robidi. Poudariti je potrebno, da so robide dober vir vitamina C in E, niacina, linolne in linolenske kisline, polifenolov, karotenoidov ter železa, bakra, selena in cinka.


Rubus fruticosus;gojenje;kemična sestava;fruktoza;glukoza;citronska kislina;jabolčna kislina;prehranske vlaknine;vitamin C;fenolne kisline;flavonoidi;antocianini;uporaba;pigmenti;mikroorganizmim;biorazgradljiva embalaža;prehrana;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [E. Plevnik]
UDC: 634.715:543.61(043.2)
COBISS: 77558531 Link will open in a new window
Views: 252
Downloads: 26
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Chemical composition and use of blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L. agg.)
Secondary abstract: The blackberry (Rubus fruticosus L.) is a berry fruit species from the family Rosaceae and the genus Rubus. It is grown primarily in Europe, and elsewhere in the world, on areas with temperate climates. In my thesis, I wanted to review the literature and collect data on blackberry cultivation, chemical composition and its use. The main components of the fruit are: water (85-90 %), fructose (13,8-42,69 g/kg fresh weight (FW)), glucose (13,0-42,73 g/kg FW), and citric (3,01-9,82 g/kg FW), malic (2,02-6,51 g/kg FW) and tartaric acid (0,00-4,39 g/kg FW). The fruits also contain some proteins (0,9-1,49 g/100 g FW) and lipids (1,4 mg/kg FW). Important fatty acids are linoleic acid (omega-6) and linolenic acid (omega-3), which are contained in the seeds. Most importantly, blackberries contain high levels of vitamin C (5,55-46,01 mg/100 g FW) and phenolic substances (26,7-452,7 mg/100 g FW). Blackberry fruits are high in anthocyanins (66,1-156,3 mg/100 g FW), which give blackberries a dark purple colour. Vitamin E (1,17 mg/100 g FW) and the minerals potassium and calcium are also present in high concentrations. The chemical composition of blackberries allows their use in cooking, in the food industry, in the production of natural dyes, in the industry for food supplements and for many other purposes. In addition to the processing possibilities, the nutritional value of blackberries and the beneficial effects of certain bioactive substances in blackberries on human health are also important. For example, blackberries are a good source of vitamins C and E, niacin, linoleic and linolenic acids, polyphenols, carotenoids, as well as iron, copper, selenium and zinc.
Secondary keywords: cultivation;chemical components;fructose;glucose;citric acid;malic acid;dietary fiber;phenolic acids;flavonoids;anthocyanins;use;pigments;microorganisms;biodegradable packaging;diet;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VI, 20 str.
ID: 13518244