diplomsko delo
Janja Moličnik (Author), Aleš Kuhar (Reviewer), Manja Zupan (Mentor)


Mačke prebivajo z ljudmi že tisočletja. Čeprav je izmed domačih mačk le 5 % pasemskih, vemo, da so pasemske podvržene dednim boleznim, ki so pogosto posledica načrtne selekcije domačih mačk na posamezne telesne lastnosti. Glavni namen zaključnega dela je bil osredotočiti se na 7 pasem mačk in opisati njihove najpogostejše zdravstvene težave, ki so nastale zaradi neprimerne pasemske vzreje. Izbrane so bile med ljubitelji mačk znane in priljubljene mačke. Vsaka pasma ima vsaj eno dedno bolezen, ki značilno vpliva na počutje in zdravje mačke. Zaradi lepotnih standardov, predpisanih za razstavne mačke, se zdi, da so se selekcionisti in vzreditelji mačk pri odbiri osredotočali primarno na videz živali in manj na funkcionalnost posameznih telesnih lastnosti, ki so se razvile neprimerno in s tem poslabšale dolgotrajno dobro počutje živali. Kot posledica takšne odbire so nastale številne dedne bolezni. Na primer perzijska mačka ima težave z dihanjem zaradi kratke in potlačene oblike gobčka, mačka devon reks ima težave z delovanjem mišic, kar je povezano s kratko skodrano dlako, medtem ko ima škotska klapouhka zaradi poklapanih uhljev težave z razvojem kosti in hrustanca na tacah. Nadalje ima mačka ragdoll večjo možnost za odebelitev stene srčne mišice in njeno odpoved. Britanka trpi za hemofilijo, nepravilnim strjevanjem krvi, siamka trpi za vodenoglavostjo, pri čemer se v možganskih prostorih kopiči tekočina, sveta birmanska mačka pa ima večjo možnost za nastanek hipotrihoze, pri kateri ima žival zelo oslabljen imunski sistem. Glede na to, da je vse več znanja o dednih boleznih pri mačkah, lahko sklepamo, da se bodo vzreditelji v prihodnje bolj posvetili fizičnemu počutju in ne le telesnim lastnostim mačk.


mačke;pasme;genetika;selekcija;telesne lastnosti;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [J. Moličnik]
UDC: 636.045:575(043.2)
COBISS: 77777411 Link will open in a new window
Views: 163
Downloads: 20
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of selective breeding of some cat breeds on certain physical characteristics
Secondary abstract: Cats have lived among humans for thousands of years. Although only 5% of domestic cats are purebred, they are known to have hereditary diseases that are often the result of deliberate selection of domestic cats to develop individual physical characteristics. The main purpose of this thesis was to focus on 7 cat breeds and describe the main problems they face due to inappropriate breeding. The selected cats were well-known breeds popular with breeders, and each breed has at least one hereditary disease that significantly affects the welfare and health of the cats. Because of beauty standards applied to show cats, cat breeders appear to have focused primarily on the appearance of the animals rather than on the functionality of individual physical traits that had developed inappropriately, and they thereby compromise the long-term welfare of the animals. As a result of such selection, several hereditary diseases have also developed. For example, the Persian cat has difficulty breathing due to the short and squashed shape of its nose, the Devon Rex has a muscle disorder associated with short, curly hair, while the Scottish Fold has problems with bone and cartilage development in its paws due to its folded ears. In addition, the Ragdoll has a greater risk of thickening of the heart wall and its failure. The British Shorthair suffers from haemophilia, an irregular clotting of blood, the Siamese suffers from hydrocephalus, where fluid accumulates in the brain, and the Birman cat has a greater risk of developing hypotrichosis, which results in a severely weakened immune system. With the growing knowledge of hereditary diseases in cats, we can conclude that cat breeders in the future will pay more attention to the physical welfare of cats and not only to their physical characteristics.
Secondary keywords: cats;breeds;genetics;selection;physical characteristics;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za zootehniko
Pages: VI, 18 str.
ID: 13522525