sesalci in perutnina
Dejan Škorjanc (Author), Maja Prevolnik (Reviewer), Marjan Janžekovič (Reviewer), Marko Ocepek (Reviewer), Maksimiljan Brus (Reviewer)


Učbenik zajema vsebine vezane na razumevanje kompleksnega procesa rasti domačih živali. Zaradi specifičnosti ločeno obravnavamo rast farmskih živali seslacev in perutnine. Biološke lastnosti rasti domačih živali so predstavljene v prenatalnem in postnatalnem obdobju ter jih poskušamo opredeliti, opisati in oceniti z različnimi matematičnimi funkcijami. Razumevanje postnatalne rasti do dosega klavne zrelosti je pomembno za živinorejce, ki se ukvarjajo s pitanjem domačih živali. Na intenzivnost rasti vpliva tudi učinkovitost izkoriščanja hranljivih snovi, zato so le-te posebej pojasnjene. Na potek rasti vplivajo številni dejavniki, ki jih v učbeniku delimo na genetske in ne genetske. Z razumevanjem in poznavanjem le-teh lahko do neke mere reguliramo in predvidimo rast ter njeno intenzivnost, sestavo klavnega trupa in sestavo dnevnega prirasta. Poseben poudarek je na pojavu kompenzacijske rasti, njenega razumevanja ter pojasnitvi, ali lahko v resnici z nadomestno rastjo nadomestimo zaostanek rasti v optimalnem obdobju rasti posameznih živalskih tkiv? Ob tem so predstavljeni določeni omejitveni dejavniki, ki vplivajo na zmožnost živali za kompenzacijsko rast.


živinoreja;prenatalna rast;postnatalna rast;prašiči;govedo;drobnica;perutnina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.03 - Reviewed University, Higher Education or Higher Vocational Education Textbook
Organization: UM FKBV - Faculty of Agriculture
Publisher: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba
UDC: 636.09(075.8)(0.034.2)
COBISS: 59058179 Link will open in a new window
ISBN: 978-961-286-440-8
Views: 324
Downloads: 55
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Growth of Domestic Animals
Secondary abstract: This university textbook provides content for understanding the complex growth process in domestic animals. Because of their special nature, the growth of farm animals, mammals and poultry, is described separately. The biological characteristics of domestic animal growth in the prenatal and postnatal periods are presented and an attempt is made to define, describe and evaluate them using various mathematical functions. Understanding postnatal growth to slaughter maturity is important for livestock producers involved in fattening domestic animals. Growth intensity is also influenced by the efficiency of nutrient utilization, so this will be specifically explained. Growth pattern is influenced by many factors which are divided into genetic and non-genetic. By understanding and knowing these, we can regulate and predict growth and its intensity, carcass composition and daily gain composition to some extent. Special emphasis is placed on the phenomenon of compensatory growth, its understanding and the explanation of whether we can really compensate for growth retardation in the optimal growth period of individual animal tissues by alternative growth? In addition, certain limiting factors affecting the ability of animals to undergo compensatory growth will be presented.
Secondary keywords: Domače živali;Vzreja živali;Učbeniki za višje in visoke šole;
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 pdf datoteka (88 str.))
DOI: 10.18690/978-961-286-440-8
ID: 13576474