magistrsko delo
Radmila Lekić (Author), Urša Golob (Mentor)


Sodeč po podatkih na statističnem uradu, predstavljajo majhna in srednje velika podjetja (MSP) 99 % vseh podjetij v Sloveniji. Kljub temu lahko v strokovni literaturi zasledimo pomanjkanje v razlagi odnosa MSP do družbene odgovornosti (DO), ki z leti le pridobiva na pomenu. Zato smo v enem delu magistrskega dela ugotavljali, ali MSP v Sloveniji razumejo koncept DO in v kolikšni meri izvajajo DO aktivnosti. Razbrali smo, da je tematika DO jasna vsem intervjuvancem, hkrati so vsi do neke mere aktivni na tem področju. Razliko smo opazili pri podjetnikih, ki nosijo DO v jedru znamke in tistimi, pri katerih je DO na stranskem tiru. Prvi so koncept bolje opisali in so zavestno bolj aktivni pri izvajanju DO aktivnosti. Ugotovili smo tudi, da igra pomanjkanje financ veliko vlogo pri odločanju, do kakšne mere MSP izvajajo DO. Ker je zadnje leto svet zaznamovala pandemija (Covid-19), smo raziskavo postavili tudi v okvir virusa in raziskali, kako oz. če sploh je ta vplival na odnos MSP do DO ter na njihovo izvajanje aktivnosti. Ugotovili smo, da Covid-19 ni vplival na razumevanje DO, je pa pandemija osvetlila določene vidike, kot je npr. skrb za okolje zaradi odvečne odvržene embalaže. Zaradi pomanjkanja finančne zaloge, ki jo je Covid-19 še oslabil, nas je tudi zanimalo, ali bi kdaj žrtvovali DO dejavnosti na račun finančne stabilnosti. Ponovno se je pokazala razlika med podjetji, ki nosijo DO v jedru in tistimi ki ne, saj prvi nebi opustili DO dejavnosti zaradi finančne stabilnosti, slednji pa bi se odločili ravno obratno.


družbena odgovornost;majhna in srednja podjetja;MSP;pandemija;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [R. Lekić]
UDC: 330.526.33:616-036.21(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 81177603 Link will open in a new window
Views: 240
Downloads: 23
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social responsibility of micro companies in time of pandemic (Covid-19) in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: According to the statistic data, there are 99 % of small and medium size enterprises (SME) in Slovenia. Nevertheless there is a lack of literature that explains the relationship between SME and corporate social responsibility (CSR). That is why we tried to research whether SMEs in Slovenia understand the concept of CSR and if they implement CSR activities in their business. We found out, that all of our interviewees understand the concept and they also practice CSR activities to some extent. There is also the difference in SMEs that have CSR in their core and those who donʼt. The ones that do, managed to describe the concept better and are more consciously active in carrying out CSR activities. We also realised, that the lack of finances plays a big role in deciding the extent to which SMEs implement CSR. Because the pandemic last year (Covid-19), we also investigated how or if it influenced the SMEs understanding of CSR and their implementations of activities. We found out, that Covid-19 did not influence the understanding of CSR, but it did highlight some aspects like the impact on the environment due to excess discarded packaging. Because of the lack of finances, we were also interested in whether SME in our research would ever sacrifice CSR activities at the expense of financial stability. Once again, there is the difference between the SMEs who have CSR in their core ant those who donʼt, because the first ones wouldnʼt sacrifice their CSR activities due to finances.
Secondary keywords: corporate social responsibility;small and medium enterprises;SME;pandemic;Družbena odgovornost podjetij;Social responsibility of business enterprises;Covid-19;Mala in srednja podjetja;Small business;Slovenija;Slovenia;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 134 str.
ID: 13576527