magistrsko diplomsko delo


Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava ureditev položaja otrok in mladostnikov v medicinskem pravu in njihovo avtonomijo pri sprejemanju odločitev glede zdravljenja ter v nadaljevanju prikazuje kakšen položaj imajo pri tem starši in zdravniki. Pacient ima pravico do samostojnega odločanja o zdravljenju, zato se za vsako medicinsko obravnavo zahteva njegova privolitev. Za privolitveno sposobnost je najpomembnejša presoja posameznika in njegove zmožnosti za razumno odločanje. Kadar je pacient sposoben samostojnega odločanja o sebi in razume pomen in posledice uveljavljanja pravic, je on tisti, ki odloča. Za pridobitev privolitvene sposobnosti zakon vsebuje orientacijsko starostno mejo 15 let, a dopušča možnost, da jo zdravnik prizna tudi mlajšemu otroku, če oceni, da je zmožen samostojne presoje. Lahko pa se zgodi, da je ne prizna otroku, starejšemu od 15 let, če oceni, da ni zmožen sam razumno odločiti. Kadar otrok ni sposoben podati veljavne privolitve, to zanj storijo starši oziroma skrbniki, saj jim ta dolžnost pripada v okviru starševske skrbi. Ampak tudi kadar otrok ni sposoben podati privolitve, mora zdravnik, skladno z njegovo starostjo in zrelostjo, upoštevati njegove želje. Medicinska obravnava se v nekaj izjemnih primerih lahko opravi brez privolitve, saj je glavno vodilo otrokova največja korist. Preden pacient poda privolitev je pomembno, da mu zdravnik pojasni njegovo zdravstveno stanje, proces zdravljenja in možne posledice. Gre za pojasnilno dolžnost in ta mora biti dana na prilagojen in razumljiv način, ki ustreza sposobnostim posameznika. V primeru kršitve pojasnilne dolžnosti tudi privolitev ni veljavna in posledično pride do posega v osebnostne pravice pacienta.


privolitvena sposobnost;otroci;mladostniki;sposobnost odločanja o sebi;pojasnilna dolžnost;starševska skrb;otrokova največja korist;medicinsko pravo;medicina in pravo;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [U. Bahar]
UDC: 347.61/.64-053.2:61(043.2)
COBISS: 79314691 Link will open in a new window
Views: 5316
Downloads: 198
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Capacity of Children and Adolescents to Consent in Medical Law
Secondary abstract: Master's thesis discusses the current status regime of children and adolescents in medical law and their autonomy in making decisions about their treatment and it further addresses the position of parents and doctors. Patients have the right to make independent decisions about their medical care and therefore their consent is required for every medical procedure. The most important factor in the capacity to consent is the individual's judgment and ability to make reasonable decisions. When patients are able to make independent decisions and they understand the meaning and consequences of exercising their rights, they are the ones who decide. Legislation provides that an approximate age at which a child becomes capable of giving consent to medical treatment is 15 years. However, it allows the possibility to acknowledge the capacity to younger children if doctors decide they are capable of decision making. On the other hand, doctors can also decide that a child over the age of 15 is not able to give consent for themselves. In such case, the parents' or guardians' parental responsibility is to consent on behalf of their children. However, even when a child is unable to give consent, doctors must consider their wishes in accordance with their age and maturity. In some cases, medical intervention or treatment can be performed without consent, as the main goal is to decide in the best interest of the child. Before gaining consent, it is important that doctors explain the medical condition, the treatment process and the possible consequences to the patients. The explanation must be adjusted to suit the individual's ability to understand. If the doctor's obligation to explain is breached, patient consents are not valid and as a result the patient's personal rights are violated.
Secondary keywords: the capacity to consent;children;adolescents;decision-making competence;informed consent;parental responsibility;the child's best interest;medical law;medicine and law;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 13582407
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