magistrsko delo


Širitvena utrujenost in pristopna utrujenost sta dva pojava, ki se pogosto uporabljata za opis upočasnitve širitve Evropske unije (EU). Namen tega dela je bil iskanje povezave med obema pojavoma, pri čemer širitvena utrujenost pomeni pomanjkanje volje v EU za sprejemanje novih držav članic, in pristopna utrujenost predstavlja pomanjkanje volje za izpolnjevanje pristopnih pogojev EU med šestimi zahodno balkanskimi državami (Western Balkans 6 - WB6). Z uporabo analize vsebine sklepov Evropskega sveta in govorov o stanju Evropske unije sem ugotovila prisotnost širitvene utrujenosti in dejavnikov, ki so vplivali na njen nastanek. Pristopna utrujenost je bila analizirana z uporabo iste metode vendar z analizo poročil Evropske komisije o napredku držav WB6. Dejavniki, ki vplivajo na širitveno in pristopno utrujenost, so bili analizirani na treh ravneh analize (po Singerju): globalna družba, odločevalci in domača družba. Ugotovila sem da sta Evropska komisija in Evropski svet izrazila jasno širitveno utrujenost le med letoma 2014 in 2018, nanjo pa so vplivali predvsem dejavniki z ravni globalne družbe: migrantska kriza, konflikt med Ukrajino in Rusijo, brexit. Pristopna utrujenost v WB6 se ni časovno prekrivala s širitveno utrujenostjo. Nastala je v letih 2010 in 2011, pa so nanjo vplivale predvsem domače politične krize (raven odločevalci). Vendar študija primera Severne Makedonije kaže, da je ta država imela drugačen razvoj pristopnega procesa v primerjavi z ostalimi državami WB6. Širitvena utrujenost poslabšala je obstoječo domačo politično krizo, kar je posledično vplivalo na pojav širitvene utrujenosti v tej državi.


enlargement fatigue;accession fatigue;European Union enlargement policy;Western Balkans;European Union;Zunanja politika;Magistrska dela;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [M. Roguljić]
UDC: 327:061.1EU(497.7)(043.2)
COBISS: 81313539 Link will open in a new window
Views: 174
Downloads: 40
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Linkage between enlargement fatigue and accession fatigue in the European Union accession process of Western Balkan states
Secondary abstract: Enlargement fatigue and accession fatigue are two phenomena often used to describe the slowdown of the European Union (EU) enlargement. The purpose of this work was to search for the linkage between the two phenomena, whereby enlargement fatigue represents the lack will within the EU to accept new member states, and the accession fatigue represents the lack of will for further compliance to EU conditionality among six Western Balkan states (WB6). By applying the content analysis of European Council Conclusions and State of the EU speeches, I traced the presence of enlargement fatigue and factors that influenced its emergence. Accession fatigue was analysed by applying the same method to European Commissionʼs progress reports for WB6. Factors influencing both phenomena were analysed according to David J. Singerʼs three levels of analysis: level of global society, the decision-makers level, and the level of domestic society. I establish that explicit enlargement fatigue was expressed by the European Commission and European Council only between 2014 and 2018, influenced mostly by factors from global society level: refugee crisis, Ukraine-Russia conflict, Brexit. Accession fatigue of WB6 did not overlap in time with enlargement fatigue. It emerged in 2010 and 2011, and it was mostly influenced by domestic political crises (decision-makers level of analysis). However, the case study of North Macedonia indicates different development of the accession process compared to other WB states. Enlargement fatigue exacerbated the existing domestic political crisis, which consequently influenced the emergence of accession fatigue in this state.
Secondary keywords: širitvena utrujenost;pristopna utrujenost;širitvena politika Evropske unije;Zahodni Balkan;Evropska unija;Mednarodni odnosi;International relations;Foreign policy;Severna Makedonija;North Macedonia;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 99 str.
ID: 13587595
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