diplomsko delo
Eva Godina (Author), Natalija Majsova (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava probleme, ki jih naslavlja južnokorejski film Parazit režiserja in scenarista Bong Joon-hoja iz leta 2019. Po orisu specifičnosti južnokorejske filmske industrije in opredelitvi značilnosti opusa Bong Joon-hoja ter njegovega mesta v svetovni kinematografiji preidem h ključnim temam in elementom filma Parazit. Analiziram jih s pomočjo relevantnih družbenih teorij, predvsem s pomočjo marksistične kritike kapitalizma. Poudarjam ključne teme in elemente izdelka ter jih osvetljujem s pomočjo relevantnih družbenih teorij. Ena ključnih v tem primeru je kritika kapitalizma, torej predvsem teorija marksizma oziroma analiza družbene neenakosti v navezavi s študijami spolov, individualizmom in (samo)orientalizmom. Poleg lastne analize skozi vizualne, vsebinske in žanrske elemente, v nalogi zajamem tudi odmevne (slovenske) filmske kritike, objavljene v relevantnih publikacijah ter jih analiziram v navezavi z opravljeno fokusno skupino med zavzetimi gledalci. Naloga poskuša pojasniti razloge za priljubljenost filma med kritiki in ostalimi gledalci ter načine, na katere film skuša izpostaviti aktualne družbene problematike. V zaključku ugotavljam, da je odmevnost filma prav v obrtniški dovršenosti izdelka v navezavi z močno in razdelano zgodbo.


Parazit;Bong Joon-ho;Diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [E. Godina]
UDC: 791.2:305(519.5)(043.2)
COBISS: 87909379 Link will open in a new window
Views: 233
Downloads: 46
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Esthetical and political influence of the film Parasite
Secondary abstract: This work is focused on the problems that are presented in the 2019 film called Parasite by South Korean director Bong Joon-ho. I try to find the key elements and topics of the work and I connect them to the relevant social theories. One of the main topics is capitalism critics which I connect to the Marxist theory and social inequality. I also include gender theories, individualism and (self)orientalism. I conducted my own film analysis based on these previous topics and visual, content and genre elements. I also analysed the written critics by Slovenian authors published in the media. In relation to that, I conducted a focus group including interested viewers. I try to explain the reasons for the major popularity of the film among critics as well as all the other viewers and find the ways it tries to elaborate on trending social problems. The focus is also on the specifics of the South Korean film industry, Bong Joon-ho’s opus and his involvement in the global cinematography. The findings are that the reason for the popularity of the film is in the connection between the quality of the production and a strong storyline.
Secondary keywords: Parasite;Bong Joon-ho;Filmske študije;Film studies;Družbena neenakost;Social inequality;Študije spolov;Gender studies;Južna Koreja;South Korea;Graduate theses;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 48 str.
ID: 13606801