magistrsko delo
Ivan Hadživuković (Author), Matej Dolenec (Mentor), Uroš Herlec (Co-mentor)


MPI reciklaža d. o. o., v sodelovanju s podjetjem TAB d. d., zbira svinčeve kislinske akumulatorske baterije in jih reciklira. Podjetji TAB in MPI se nahajata na območju nekdanjega rudnika v Žerjavu. Z recikliranjem baterij proizvajajo kovinski svinec in sekundarno svinčeno žlindro kot odpadni material pri recikliranju. Ocenjuje se, da je na jalovišču 120.000 ton žlindre z okrog 10 % Pb. Letno proizvedejo približno 10.500 ton svinčeve žlindre. V magistrski nalogi smo dokazali, da lahko s kombinacijo kemijskih in fizikalnih metod ločevanja sestavin sekundarne surovine žlindre pridobimo koncentrat preostalih svinčevih mineralov za ponovno pirometalurško recikliranje in druge ekonomske proizvode. Uporabljene analitske metode za določanje mineralne in kemične sestave žlindre so bile rentgenska difrakcija (XRD), rentgenska fluorescenčna spektroskopija (XRF), vrstična elektronska mikroskopija, energijsko disperzijska rentgenska spektroskopija (SEM-EDS) in laserska granulometrija. Sledilo je gravitacijsko in magnetno ločevanje mineralov po frakcijah. Vsebnosti glavnih, stranskih in slednih prvin smo določili z XRF analizo na predhodno pripravljenih vzorcih žlindre iz talilnice Žerjav, med katerimi je najvišja koncentracija Fe z vrednostjo 38,63 %, Pb 9,06 % in Zn 2,99 %. Z XRD analizo smo določili prisotnost magnetita s povprečno vrednostjo 29,9 %, titanomagnetita s povprečno vrednostjo 27,1 % in galenita s povprečno vrednostjo 16 % kot glavnih mineralnih faz. S SEM-EDS analizo smo določili porazdelitev elementov in mineralnih faz ter količinsko vsebnost agregata. Z XRF analizo smo določili 48,41 % Fe v vzorcu z visoko magnetno komponento in 18,04 % Pb v vzorcu z nemagnetno komponento, pripravljeno z magnetnim koncentratorjem. V vzorcu, ločenem po metodi stresalne mize smo izmerili vrednost svinca 55,67 % v težki komponenti in v lahki komponenti istega vzorca smo z XRF analizo izmerili 6,51 % Pb. Rezultati testiranja ločevalnih magnetnih in gravitacijskih metod so pokazali, da je predelava žlindre kot sekundarne surovine izvedljiva in omogoča njeno uspešno recikliranje ter odstranjevanje z deponije in s tem njeno ekološko sanacijo.


recycling lead acid batteries;slag;gravity separation;magnetic separation;Žerjav;lead;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Publisher: [I. Hadživuković]
UDC: 55
COBISS: 86633987 Link will open in a new window
Views: 209
Downloads: 44
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: gravity and magnetic separation of lead oxide slag from Žerjav
Secondary abstract: MPI Recycling d.o.o. with TAB d.d. collects lead-acid batteries and recycles them. TAB and MPI are located in the area of the former mine in Žerjav. By recycling batteries, they produce metallic lead and secondary lead slag as waste material for recycling. It is estimated that there are 120,000 tonnes of slag with around 10 % Pb in the tailings. In the master's thesis we proved that a combination of chemical and physical methods of separating the components of the secondary raw material of slag can obtain a concentrate of residual lead minerals for re-pyrometallurgical recycling and other economic products. The analytical methods used to determine the mineral and chemical composition of slag are X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersion X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and laser granulometry. Gravitational and magnetic separation of minerals by fractions was then performed. Contents of the main, side and trace elements were determined by XRF analysis on previously prepared slag samples from the Žerjav smelter, among which the highest concentration is Fe with a value of 38.63 %, Pb 9.06 % and Zn 2.99 %. XRD analysis showed concentrations of magnetite with an average value of 29.9 %, titanomagnetite with average value 27.1 % and galena with an average value of 16 % as the main mineral phases. The distribution of elements and mineral phases and the quantitative content of the aggregate were determined by SEM-EDS analysis. XRF analysis determined 48.41 % Fe in a sample with a high magnetic component and 18.04 % Pb in a sample with a non-magnetic component prepared with a magnetic concentrator. In a sample separated by the shaking table method, the value of 55.67 % Pb in the Δ heavy component and in the Δ light component of same sample 6.51 % Pb was measured by XRF analyses. The results of testing of separation magnetic and gravitational methods have shown that the processing of slag as a secondary raw material is feasible and enables successful recycling of slag and its removal from the landfill and thus its ecological remediation.
Secondary keywords: recikliranje svinčenih baterij;žlindra;gravitacijska separacija;magnetna separacija;Žerjav;svinec;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fak., Oddelek za geologijo
Pages: XVI, 68 f.
ID: 13612711