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Urška Germauc (Author), Aleš Ferčič (Mentor)


Načeli pravne in socialne države v pravni teoriji nista novi načeli. Gre za dve temeljni ustavni načeli, ki sta se skozi zgodovino razvijali, prav tako se je spreminjal pogled na razmerje med njima. V teoriji je dolgo časa prevladovalo stališče, da navedeni načeli na ustavni ravni sploh nista združljivi. Skozi čas in številne diskusije se je nato razvil pojem socialne pravne države, ki je obe načeli povezal v logično celoto, v kateri se medsebojno prepletata in omejujeta. Danes prevladuje stališče, da sta načeli medsebojno povezani. Pri razmerju med obema načeloma torej ne gre za vprašanje nadvlade enega načela nad drugim, temveč gre za vzporeden in medsebojno povezan razvoj elementov obeh načel. Govorimo torej o socialni pravni državi, ki mora zagotavljati socialno, pravno in ekonomsko varnost vsakega posameznika in s tem udejanjati vrednote tako pravne, kakor tudi socialne države. Socialna država po mnenju teoretikov predstavlja predpostavko pravne države, v kateri je oblast omejena in nadzirana ter s svojimi ukrepi omogoča učinkovito uresničevanje temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin. Elementi obeh načel so različni, vendar pa se nanašajo na enak sistem in sicer na socialno pravno državo. V slednji se elementi obeh načel prekrivajo in so medsebojno odvisni, njihov skupni namen pa je zaščita enakih vrednot, kot so človekovo dostojanstvo, svoboda in enakost. Človekovo dostojanstvo predstavlja temeljno komponento temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin, katerih priznanje in spoštovanje je v moderni državi izredno pomembno, kar izhaja ne samo iz nacionalne ureditve, temveč tudi z mednarodnega vidika. Do trenja med obema načeloma pride tudi na področju uporabe diskrecije pri odločanju državnih organov. Slednji imajo namreč v socialni državi široko polje proste presoje, kar pa povzroča napetosti v odnosu z načelom pravne države. Kljub temu je potrebno poudariti, da je diskrecija v socialni državi neizogibna, vse dokler bo slednja skrbela za distribucijo dobrin in storitev. Državni organi so pri uporabi diskrecijske pravice omejeni z Ustavo ter temeljnimi pravicami, v katerih ustavno zagotovljena jedra organi s svojimi ukrepi ne smejo posegati. Obravnavani načeli pa nista pomembni zgolj na nacionalnem ustavnem področju, temveč tudi na nadnacionalnem in mednarodnem področju. Načeli namreč med drugim predstavljata tudi temeljni vrednoti pravnega reda EU in temelj za priznanje in spoštovanje temeljnih človekovih pravic (med katere spadajo tudi socialne pravice) tudi na ravni EU.


ustava;ustavno načelo;pravna država;socialna država;vladavina prava;država blaginje;človekove pravice;socialne pravice;socialna pravičnost;temeljne vrednote;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
UDC: 342.22(043.2)
COBISS: 96685059 Link will open in a new window
Views: 290
Downloads: 64
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Relationship between the rule of law and the welfare state
Secondary abstract: The principles of the rule of law and the welfare state are not new principles in legal theory. These are two fundamental constitutional principles that have evolved throughout history, and the view of the relationship between them has also changed. For a long time, the prevailing view in theory was, that the above principles were not compatible at all at the constitutional level. Through time and numerous discussions, the notion of a social state governed by the rule of law then developed, connecting the two principles into a logical whole, in which they intertwine and limit each other. The prevailing view today is, that the two principles are interrelated. The relationship between the two principles is therefore not a question of the supremacy of one principle over another, but of the parallel and interconnected development of the elements of the two principles. We are therefore talking about a social state governed by the rule of law, which must ensure the social, legal and economic security of each individual and thus implement the values of both the rule of law and the welfare state. According to theorists, the welfare state is a precondition for the rule of law, in which power is limited and controlled, and through its measures it enables the effective exercise of fundamental human rights and freedoms. The elements of the two principles are different, but they apply to the same system, namely the social rule of law. In the latter, the elements of the two principles overlap and are interdependent, and their common purpose is to protect the same values, such as human dignity, freedom and equality. Human dignity is a fundamental component of fundamental human rights and freedoms, the recognition and respect of which is extremely important in the modern state, which derives not only from the national order but also from the international point of view. There is also friction between the two principles in the area of the use of discretion in the decision-making of state bodies. Namely, the latter have a wide field of free judgment in the welfare state, which in turn causes tensions in relation to the rule of law. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that discretion in the welfare state is inevitable as long as the latter takes care of the distribution of goods and services. In exercising their discretion, state bodies are limited by the Constitution and fundamental rights, in which constitutionally guaranteed nuclei bodies may not interfere with their measures. However, the principles discussed are important not only in the national constitutional field, but also in the supranational and international field. Namely, the principles represent, among other things, the fundamental values of the EU and the basis for the recognition and respect of fundamental human rights (including social rights) also at the EU level.
Secondary keywords: constitution;constitutional principle;legal state;social state;rule of law;welfare state;human rights;social rights;social justice;fundamental values;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (79 str.))
ID: 13617878