magistrsko delo
Monika Vidmar (Author), Gorazd Planinšič (Mentor)


Želimo si, da bi dijaki do znanosti gojili pozitiven odnos in da bi se počutili uspešne ob usvajanju novega znanja. K oblikovanju mnenja o fiziki pripomorejo tudi aktivnosti, ki jih dijaki izvajajo pri pouku, recimo reševanje obratnih nalog. To so naloge, ki imajo v besedilu podano matematično ali grafično reprezentacijo fizikalne situacije/procesa, dijaki pa pri reševanju predlagajo besedilo naloge, ki jo lahko opišemo s podano reprezentacijo, ali pa situacijo/proces čim natančneje opišejo. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšen odnos imajo dijaki in učitelji do obratnih nalog. V raziskavi je sodelovalo pet oddelkov srednješolcev in dva učitelja fizike. Kakšno je dojemanje obratnih nalog pri dijakih sem ugotavljala z opazovanjem dijakov med uro, ko smo jim obratne naloge prvič predstavili in z anketo, ki so jo rešili po približno treh mesecih spoznavanja nalog te vrste. Kako obratne naloge dojemata učitelja, smo ugotavljali z intervjujem. Intervju z njima je bil opravljen preden smo obratne naloge prvič predstavili sodelujočim dijakom, po oddani anketi pa sta učitelja odgovorila še na vprašanje, ali obratne naloge sedaj dojemata drugače. V magistrski nalogi so predstavljene ugotovitve raziskave, ki temeljijo na opazovanju dijakov med predstavitveno uro obratnih nalog ter na odgovorih v anketah in intervjujih.


fizika;poučevanje;obratne naloge;znanstvenoraziskovalno učno okolje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Publisher: [M. Vidmar]
UDC: 37.091.3:53
COBISS: 82876163 Link will open in a new window
Views: 257
Downloads: 35
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Perception of Jeopardy problems by students and teachers
Secondary abstract: It is our wish for students to have a positive attitude towards science and to feel successful in acquiring new knowledge. Activities that contribute to forming an opinion on physics can also be those students perform during class, such as solving jeopardy problems. Instruction of jeopardy problems include a mathematical or graphical representation of the physical situation or process. Students then suggest the text of the task, which can be described with the given representation, or describe the situation or process as accurately as possible. Throughout the research, we wanted to find out how the students and teachers feel about jeopardy problems. Five high school sections of students and two physics teachers participated in this study. We introduced jeopardy problems to students and observed how they responded to new tasks. After approximately three months of solving jeopardy problems regularly, students solved a survey. Before we introduced jeopardy problems to the students, both teachers participated in an interview. After the students solved the survey, the teachers were asked if their opinion on jeopardy problems changed during the research. This master's thesis presents the findings of the research conducted, which are based on the observation of students while solving jeopardy problems as well as on the answers in surveys and interviews.
Secondary keywords: physics;teaching;Jeopardy problems;investigative science learning environment;ISLE;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za matematiko in fiziko, Oddelek za fiziko
Pages: 78 str.
ID: 13627774