magistrsko delo
Nuša Babnik (Author), Damir Karpljuk (Reviewer), Mateja Videmšek (Mentor), Ana Šuštaršič (Co-mentor)


Namen magistrskega dela je predstaviti dejavnosti, kjer se po principu medpredmetnega povezovanja prepletajo vsebine ter uresničujejo cilji športa in matematike v prvem triletju osnovnošolskega izobraževanja. Delo je v prvi vrsti namenjeno razrednim učiteljem, ki želijo ne le popestriti, temveč tudi dvigniti kvaliteto pouka na višjo raven. Uporabno vrednost v delu bodo našli tudi vzgojitelji, predmetni učitelji, študenti pedagoških smeri, trenerji ter drugi posamezniki iz društev in klubov, ki se ukvarjajo s športno vadbo mlajših otrok. Vsaka izmed dejavnosti je natančno opisana, ima opredeljene cilje posameznega predmeta, navedene pripomočke, ki jih potrebujemo za izvedbo, in morebitne možnosti, s katerimi lahko prilagodimo igro glede na učenčeve značilnosti in sposobnosti ter materialne zmožnosti, ki so nam na voljo. Zaradi večje preglednosti so igre razdeljene v posamezne skupine glede na skupne značilnosti. Z aplikacijo predstavljenih iger v otrokov vsakdanjik, najsi gre za pouk matematike oziroma športa ali druge oblike predajanja znanja, bomo prispevali k otrokovemu celostnemu razvoju.


šport;športna vzgoja;matematika;medpredmetno povezovanje;prvo triletje;učni načrt;tekalne igre;lovljenja;moštvene igre;štafetne igre;orientacijske igre;igre hitre odzivnosti;igre za umirjanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport
Publisher: [N. Babnik]
UDC: 37+796
COBISS: 82440963 Link will open in a new window
Views: 165
Downloads: 51
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Cross-curricular integration of physical education and mathematics in the first trimester of elementary school
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this master's thesis is to present activities where, according to the principle of cross-curriculum integration, the contents are intertwined and the learning objectives of physical education and mathematics in the first three years of primary education are realized. The work is primarily intended for class teachers who want not only to diversify but also to raise the quality of teaching to a higher level. Educators, subject teachers, pedagogical students, coaches and other individuals belonging to associations and clubs that deal with sports training of young children will also find value in this work. Every activity is described in detail. These descriptions include the defined objectives of each subject, listed teaching aids required to execute the lesson as well as possible options we have at our disposal that enable us to not only adapt the game according to the student's characteristics and abilities but to also adapt it to our material conditions. In order to accomplish greater transparency, the games are divided into individual groups according to their mutual features. By applying the presented games into children's everyday life, whether it is mathematics, physical education or other form of knowledge transfer, we will contribute to the overall holistic development of children.
Secondary keywords: sport;physical education;mathematics;cross-curricular integration;first trimester;games;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport
Pages: 81 f.
ID: 13627858