študija sodne prakse
Lucija Pelc (Author), Barbara Rajgelj (Mentor)


Obstoj delovnega razmerja je opredeljen z elementi delovnega razmerja, ki so opredeljeni v Zakonu o delovnih razmerjih. Sodišče ugodi tožbenemu zahtevku tožnika, če ta izkaže, da je bil prostovoljno vključen v organiziran delovni proces, je delal za plačilo, delo je opravljal osebno in nepretrgano po navodilih in pod nadzorom tožene stranke oziroma delodajalca. V magistrskem delu opravim študijo sodne prakse obstoja delovnega razmerja pri nestandardnih oblikah dela, in sicer pri študentskem delu, avtorski pogodbi, samostojnih podjetnikih in delu na črno. Formalna oblika pogodbe med tožnikom in toženo stranko ni pogoj za priznanje obstoja delovnega razmerja, saj je ključen obstoj elementov delovnega razmerja. Pri analizi sodne prakse ugotavljam, da je element nepretrganosti bistven element, ki razločuje pogodbo o zaposlitvi od atipičnih oblik dela. Določene značilnosti nekaterih nestandardnih oblik dela sovpadajo z elementi delovnega razmerja, zato se sodišča pogosto opirajo na primerjavo med delavci s pogodbo o zaposlitvi in delavci, ki delo opravljajo na podlagi civilnopravnih pogodb.


obstoj delovnega razmerja;elementi delovnega razmerja;nestandardne oblike dela;delovni spori;sodna praksa;Delovna razmerja;Magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Publisher: [L. Pelc]
UDC: 349.2(043.2)
COBISS: 81381891 Link will open in a new window
Views: 162
Downloads: 32
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Legal Aspects of Determining Existence of Employment Relationship in Non-Standard Forms of Work: Law Case Study
Secondary abstract: The existence of an employment relationship is determined with elements of an employment relationship, defined in the Employment Relationships Act. The court upholds the action of a plaintiff if they prove that they were voluntarily involved in the organised working process, that their work was paid, and that they themselves worked continuously under the instructions and supervision of the defendant - employer. In this master's thesis, I conduct a law case study addressing the existence of an employment relationship in the following non-standard forms of work: student work, author contract, independent entrepreneur, and undeclared work. The formal contract between the plaintiff and the defendant is not a condition for recognizing the existence of an employment relationship, but rather the elements of a working relationship. Having analysed case law, I can determine that the element of continuity is the key element that separates employment contract from atypical forms of work. Certain characteristics of some non-standard forms of work coincide with the elements of a working relationship. For this reason, courts normally rely on the comparison between workers under an employment contract and workers who perform work under a civil law contract.
Secondary keywords: existence of an employment relationship;elements of an employment relationship;non-standard forms of work;labour disputes;case law;Industrial relations;Delovni spori;Labor disputes;Zakonodaja;Legislation;Master's theses;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za družbene vede
Pages: 97 str.
ID: 13634818