(magistrsko diplomsko delo)
Staša Šolar (Author), Luka Tičar (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu je predstavljen institut delovnega časa in njegove prvine. Predvsem je poudarek na trajanju delovnega časa, ki postaja vedno bolj zanimivo področje, saj se delodajalci vse bolj poslužujejo atipičnih oblik, ki jih veljavna zakonodaja ne ureja. Trajanje delovnega časa je v magistrski nalogi predstavljeno z vidika zakonodajne ureditve na nacionalni ravni ter s primerjavo zakonodajnih ureditev drugih držav članic Evropske unije. V nadaljevanju je predstavljena analiza izbranih kolektivnih pogodb dejavnosti, kjer preučujem prvine delovnega časa, ki jih izbrane kolektivne pogodbe uporabljajo in določajo. Delo vsebuje tudi predstavitev krajšega in skrajšanega delovnega časa. Skrajšani delovni čas je predstavljen z vidika intervjuja, opravljenega s slovenskim podjetjem, ki to prvino delovnega časa uporablja. Zaradi omejitev in pomanjkljivosti v praksi lahko v prihodnosti pričakujemo težave, ki bi lahko vodile v spremembe na področju ne samo delovne, temveč tudi socialne zakonodaje. Sklepna ugotovitev magistrskega dela je, da je rešitev mogoča tako, da se na zakonodajni ravni uredi večjo fleksibilnost zakonov, še večjo fleksibilnost pa na ravni kolektivnih pogodb dejavnosti, ter omogoči atipičnim oblikam trajanja delovnega časa, da lahko le-te v praksi bolj zaživijo.


delovno pravo;delovni čas;trajanje delovnega časa;polni delovni čas;krajši delovni čas;skrajšani delovni čas;pripravljenost na delo;fleksibilnost;kolektivne pogodbe dejavnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [S. Šolar]
UDC: 349.2:331.31(043.2)
COBISS: 79994883 Link will open in a new window
Views: 235
Downloads: 69
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Autonomous organisation of working time in Slovenia
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis presents the institute of working time and its elements. Above all, the emphasis is on the duration of working hours, which is becoming an increasingly interesting area, as employers are increasingly using atypical forms that are not regulated by current legislation. The duration of working time is presented in the master's thesis from the point of view of the legislation at the national level and by comparing the legislation of other Member States of the European Union. The following is an analysis of selected collective agreements of activities, where I study the elements of working time that selected collective agreements use and determine. The work also contains a presentation of part-time and part-time work, part-time work is presented on the basis of an interview I conducted with a Slovenian company that uses this element of working time. Due to limitations and shortcomings in practice, we can expect problems in the future that could lead to changes in the field of not only labor but also social legislation. The conclusion of the master's thesis is that the solution is possible by regulating at the legislative level greater flexibility at the level of laws, and even greater flexibility at the level of collective agreements of activities, and allow atypical forms of working time to life in practice.
Secondary keywords: working time;duration of working time;full time work;part time work;shorter working time;stand-by time;flexibility;collective agreements;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 67 f.
ID: 13641445