diplomsko delo
Nastja Uršula Virk (Author), Tone Smolej (Mentor), Primož Vitez (Co-mentor)


Pričujoča naloga Dihotomija ženskega lika v Le livre de Monelle Marcela Schwoba obravnava Le livre de Monelle, zbirko pravljic francoskega simbolističnega pisatelja Marcela Schwoba, ki je živel med leti 1867 in 1905. Schwob, sicer uspešen avtor za časa svojega življenja, danes velja za nekoliko pozabljenega avtorja – v slovenskem kontekstu je popolnoma nepoznan. Širši cilj naloge je predstaviti pisatelja in njegov opus slovenskemu občinstvu, glavno prizadevanje pa je prepoznati dihotomijo ženske figure, ki se v omenjenem delu kaže kot dinamika med devico in prostitutko, splošno polarizacijo ženskega lika v zahodni literaturi. V Le livre de Monelle, Monellini knjigi, se oba pola sintetizirata v liku male prostitutke, osrednjega arhetipa, okoli katerega se tvorijo vse protagonistke obravnavanega dela. Naloga analizira aspekte omenjene dihotomije in jih skuša povezati s kontekstom avtorjevega časa in življenja, nadaljnje pa analizirati pomen male prostitutke v specifičnemu biografskem kontekstu – Schwob je delo namreč zasnoval po smrti svoje velike ljubezni. Tako naloga posredno raziskuje tudi avtorjev odnos do minljivosti, bolečine in prebolevanja. Rezultat naše analize dela so prevedeni odlomki Monelline knjige in kratka slogovna analiza jezika, ki nam pomaga pri razumevanju vloge lika male prostitutke.


francoska književnost;simbolizem;ženski liki;prostitutka;devica;diplomsko delo;Schwob;Marcel;1867-1905;"Le livre de Monelle";


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. U. Virk]
UDC: 821.133.1.09Schwob M.
COBISS: 79388163 Link will open in a new window
Views: 131
Downloads: 19
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The Dichotomy of Female Characters in Le livre de Monelle by Marcel Schwob
Secondary abstract: The following thesis The Dichotomy of Female Characters in Le livre de Monelle by Marcel Schwob is an analysis of Le livre de Monelle, a collection of fairy tales by the symbolist writer Marcel Schwob, who lived between 1867 and 1905. Schwob, who was a prolific writer in his own time, remains a somewhat forgotten figure. He is completely unknown to the Slovenian reader, which is why one of the objectives of this thesis is to present the author and his work to the Slovenian audience. However, the main goal of this paper is to dissect the dichotomy of the female figure in the work, the dichotomy being that of the virgin and the prostitute, a widespread dynamic in the context of Western literature. Le livre de Monelle, or The Book of Monelle as translated to English by Kit Schluter, joins the seemingly opposite poles in the little prostitute, the key archetype that connects all the protagonists. The thesis delves into the particularities of said dichotomy and aims to connect them to the context of the time in which the author created the work, as well as to the context of his own life – furthermore, it is crucial to analyse the little prostitute in a specific biographical context as Schwob created the work after the death of his lover. Thus, the thesis also indirectly researches the author’s relationship with mortality, grief, and recovery. The result of such an analysis are passages translated to Slovene and a brief study of the language used in the work, which contributes to the understanding of the little prostitute.
Secondary keywords: French literature;symbolism;female characters;prostitute;virgin;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000582
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za primerjalno književnost in literarno teorijo
Pages: 46 str.
ID: 13646714