Furlanska zgodovina med letoma 1381-1420


V tem delu so predstavljena zadnja štiri desetletja samostojnosti Oglejskega patriarhata. Od leta 1381 se je začelo krizno obdobje za patriarhat, ki se ga niso uspeli otresti vse do leta 1420, ko so Benečani uspeli osvojiti to ozemlje. Nihče od patriarhov (Philip iz Alençona, Jan Moravski, Antonio Caetani, Antonio Pancera, Antonio da Ponte in Ludvik iz Tecka) ni uspel, zaradi raznoraznih razlogov, zgladiti notranjih sporov, v prvi vrsti tistega med Vidmom in Čedadom, kar je omogočilo tujim silam, da so povečale lasten vpliv na Furlanijo. Benečani, ki so se po vojni za Chioggio vedno bolj širili po kopnem, so bili tisti, ki so na koncu prevladali. Niti podpora Sigismunda Luksemburškega, ogrskega kralja in kasneje nemškega cesarja, ki se je boril proti Beneški republiki med letoma 1411-1413, ni bilo dovolj.Aprila leta 1418 je po končanem petletnem premirju beneška vojska vdrla v Furlanijo.Postopoma, vse do oktobra 1420, so jo v celoti osvojili in bili prisotni na tem ozemlju vse do konca Beneške republike leta 1797.


Oglejski patriarhat;Benetke;Furlanija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [V. Piasentier]
UDC: 94(100)"1381/1420"
COBISS: 80883715 Link will open in a new window
Views: 431
Downloads: 43
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The last decades of the Patriarchate of Aquileia and the Venetian conquest of Friuli: Friulian history between 1381 – 1420
Secondary abstract: This work presents the last four decades of the independence of the Aquileian Patriarchate. From 1381, a crisis period began for the patriarchate, which it was unable to shake off until 1420, when the Venetians conquered this territory. For various reasons, all of the six patriarchs (Philip of Alençon, John of Moravia, Antonio Caetani, Antonio Pancera, Antonio da Ponte and Louis of Teck) could not resolve internal disputes, primarily those between Udine and Cividale. This allowed foreign forces to increase their own influence over Friuli. The Venetians, who continuously spread inward after the war for Chioggia, were they prevailed in the end. Not even the support of Sigismund of Luxembourg, king of Hungary and emperor of Germany, who fought with the Venetian Republic between 1411-1413, was enough. In April 1418, after a five-year truce, the Venetian army invaded Friuli. Gradually, until October 1420, it had been completely conquered by the Venetians who maintained their rule over this territory until the end of the Venetian Republic in 1797.
Secondary keywords: Patriarchate of Aquileia;Venice;Friuli;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Odd. za zgodovino
Pages: 88 str.
ID: 13675522
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