diplomsko delo
Uvod: Na stopalih preživimo večji del dneva. Zato so občutki ki jih zaznavamo s stopali pomembna povratna informacija, ki vpliva na več dejavnikov, med drugim tudi na kvaliteto življenja posameznika. Občutki pri hoji ter obutev sta glavna faktorja pri izbiri obutve, ki jih zdravo stopalo posameznika hitro zazna. Večina ljudi raje izbere mehke in oblazinjene teksture obutve nad trdimi, saj je prag zaznavanja bolečine tako nižji. A prag zaznavanja bolečine pri zdravih osebah varira od posameznika do posameznika, odvisno od spola, starosti, telesne teže, rase in kulture. Znano nam je, da je prag zaznavanja bolečine pri osebah ki veliko hodijo bose višji od tistih, ki večina časa preživijo na mehkih ali gladkih teksturah kakršne koli obutve. Natikači oziroma »japanke«, so klasificirani kot minimalistična obutev, ki do neke mere simulirajo boso hojo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti učinek hoje z natikači z nestrukturirano teksturo na zaznavanje praga bolečine v področju miofascialnih prožilnih točk intrinzičnih mišic stopala. Metode dela: Raziskava je potekala na 25 zdravih preiskovancih moškega spola, brez kakršnih koli deformacij stopala. Sodelujoči preiskovanci so bili deležni 30 minutne intervencije hoje z natikači z nestrukturirano teksturo, 30 minutne intervencije hoje z natikači z gladko teksturo in 30 minutne stoje z natikači z nestrukturirano teksturo. Pred in po intervenciji smo z pritiskovnim algometrom izmerili prag zaznavanja bolečina, preiskovanci pa so na subjektivni vidni analogni lestvici ocenjevali intenzivnost bolečine. Med vsako intervencijo, na 10, 20 in 30 minut so preiskovanci na vidni analogni lestvici ocenjevali tudi stanje udobja. Rezultati: Pri zdravih preiskovancih so bile razlike med intervencijami statistično zanemarljive. Hoja z natikači z nestrukturirano teksturo nakazuje na najučinkovitejšo intervencijo zviševanja praga zaznavanja bolečine. Stoja z natikači z nestrukturirano teksturo se je izkazala kot učinkovitejša intervencija v primerjavi z hojo z natikači z gladko teksturo. Razprava in zaključek: Domnevamo, da smo z natikači z nestrukturirano teksturo na preiskovanih miofascialnih prožilnih točkah intrinzičnih mišic stopala dosegli stanje hipoalgezije na podlagi površinske masaže in pospešene cirkulacije krvi.
diplomska dela;ortotika in protetika;hoja v natikačih;miofascialne prožilne točke;prag zaznavanje bolečine;pritiskovna algometrija;vidna analogna lestvica;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL ZF - University College of Health Studies |
Publisher: |
[Ž. Omahen] |
UDC: |
617.3 |
Views: |
194 |
Downloads: |
32 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
ǂThe ǂeffect of walking with flip flops with an unstructured texture in the pain threshold perception on pressure in the area of myofascial trigger points of the intrinsic muscles of the foot |
Secondary abstract: |
Introduction: Most of the days, we spent standing on our feet. Therefore, the feelings we perceive with our feet are important feedback that affects several factors including the quality of life for an individual. Walking sensations and footwear are the main factors when deciding for footwear and are quickly perceived by an individual's healthy foot. Most people prefer to choose soft and padded shoe textures over hard ones, as the pain perception threshold is thus lower. But the threshold for perceiving pain in healthy individuals varies from individual to individual depending on the gender, age, weight, breed, and culture. We know that the threshold for perceiving pain for people who love walking barefoot is higher than those who spend most of their time on the soft or smooth textures of any footwear. Slippers or »flip-flops« are classified as minimalist footwear, which to some extent simulate barefoot walking. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma work is to determine the effect of walking with slippers with unstructured texture on the perception of pain threshold in the area of myofascial trigger points of intrinsic foot muscles. Methods: The study was performed on 25 healthy male subjects without any foot deformations. Subjects participated in the 30 – minute walking intervention with flip flops with unstructured texture, a 30 – minute walking intervention with flip flops with smooth texture and a 30 – minute standing intervention with flip flops with unstructured texture. Before and after each intervention, the pain perception threshold was measured with a pressure algometer, so subjects could assess the pain intensity on a visible analog scale. During each intervention, at 10, 20, and 30 minutes, subjects also assessed comfort status on a visible analog scale. Results: The differences between all three interventions were statistically negligible. Walking with flip flops with unstructured texture suggests the most effective intervention of raising the pain perception threshold. Standing with flip flops with unstructured texture indicates to be more effective intervention compared to walking with flip flops with smooth texture. Discussion and conclusion: It is assumed that flip flops with an unstructured texture on the investigated myofascial trigger points of the intrinsic foot muscles of the foot achieved a state of hypoalgesia based on surface massage and accelerated blood circulation. |
Secondary keywords: |
diploma theses;aorthotics and prosthetics;walking in flip flops;myofascial trigger points;pain perception threshold;pressure algometry;visible analog scale; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko |
Pages: |
26 str, [1] f. pril. |
ID: |
13700539 |