diplomsko delo
Lucia Slapar (Author), Tomaž Kern (Mentor)


Zaključno delo z naslovom Prenova poslovnih procesov in digitalna transformacija v Domu upokojencev Kranj preučuje možnosti nadgradnje dosedanjih procesov z uvedbo nove digitalne tehnologije. Opaženo problemsko stanje je situacija, v kateri se je znašel Dom upokojencev Kranj med epidemijo, natančneje v letu 2020 v mesecih oktobru, novembru in decembru. Težava je bila vsakodnevno merjenje telesne temperature, merjenje drugih vitalnih znakov in iskanje stanovalca v primeru, da nenadzorovano zapusti sobo. Namen dela je bil raziskati procese, jih analizirati, raziskati trenutne možne rešitve in predlagati preoblikovane in digitalizirane procese. Raziskava je bila opravljena z metodo oblikovanja procesov v programu ARIS Architect 10.0 in metodo benchmarkinga. V programu ARIS so bili oblikovani modeli organizacijske strukture, procesno drevo, trenutno problematični procesi in predlogi njihove prenove. Diplomsko delo je zaključeno z validacijo dobljenih rezultatov in predlogov. Pri tem so nam bili v pomoč strukturirani intervjuji z direktorico, njeno namestnico za zdravstvene zadeve in dvema stanovalkama. Ugotovljeno je, da je procese, ki so bili ocenjeni za problematične, mogoče preoblikovati oziroma digitalno nadgraditi. S tem se strinjajo tudi intervjuvane osebe. Sicer je zaključeno, da ne glede na možno nadgradnjo ostajajo odprte možnosti za še dodaten razvoj sistemov, ki bi pripomogli k učinkovitejšemu delu zaposlenih v zavodu in k udobnejšemu in varnejšemu bivanju stanovalcev.


poslovni procesi;digitalna preobrazba;prenova procesov;dom upokojencev;tehnologija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [L. Slapar]
UDC: 005.3
COBISS: 89867267 Link will open in a new window
Views: 304
Downloads: 64
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Business process redesign and digital transformation in the elderly home
Secondary abstract: The final work, entitled Business process redesign and digital transformation in the elderly home in Krnaj, examines the possibilities of upgrading existing processes with the introduction of new digital technology. The observed problem situation is the situation in which the Kranj Retirement Home found itself during the epidemic, more precisely in 2020 in the months of October, November and December. The problem was measuring her body temperature on a daily basis, measuring other vital signs, and finding a resident in case she left the room unattended. The purpose of the work was to research processes, analyze them, explore current possible solutions and propose transformed and digitized processes. The research was conducted using the process design method in the ARIS Arhitect 10.0 program and the benchmarking method. Within the ARIS program, organizational structure models, a process tree, currently problematic processes and their renovation proposals were developed. The diploma thesis is completed with the validation of the obtained results and proposals. Assistance is provided by structured interviews with the director, her deputy for health affairs and two residents. It has been established that processes that are assessed as problematic can be transformed or digitally upgraded. The interviewees also agree. It was concluded that, regardless of the possible upgrade, there are still opportunities for further development of systems that would contribute to more efficient work of employees in the institution and a more comfortable and safe stay for residents.
Secondary keywords: Poslovodenje;Digitalizacija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VI, 79 f.
ID: 13705486