diplomska naloga
Luka Torić (Author), Mojca Amon (Reviewer), Boris Sila (Mentor)


Uvod in namen: Zvin gleznja je ena izmed najpogostejsih poskodb v nogometu. Pri zvinu se najveckrat poskodujejo lateralni ligamenti, predvsem anteriorni tibiofibularni ligament. Dejavnikov tveganja za zvin je veliko, med pomembnejsimi so misicno neravnovesje, slaba gibljivost gleznja ter predhodni zvin gleznja. Metode: Iskanje literature smo izvedli v splosnih podatkovnih zdravstvenih in medicinskih zbirkah: Cochrane Library, PEDro in PubMED. Kot vkljucitvena merila smo upostevali literaturo, ki ustreza temi diplomske naloge, raziskave, ki so vkljucevale izvajanje preventivnih vaj za zmanjsevanje moznosti ponovne poskodbe, in obravnave sportnikov po zvinu gleznja. Rezultati: V pregledu literature je bilo vkljucenih 10 raziskav, ki so proucevale ucinkovitost vaj za preprecevanje zvina gleznja. Rezultati so pokazali, da izvajanje preventivnih vaj v fazi rehabilitacije zmanjsuje moznost ponovne poškodbe gleznja. Uporabnost: Prikaz ucinkovitosti izvajanj preventivnih vaj na zmanjsanju moznosti ponovne poskodbe. Omejitve: Izkljucili smo vsebine, ki se ne navezujejo na rehabilitacijo sportnika, clanke, starejse od 20 let, raziskave s premajhnim stevilom preiskovancev in nekoncane raziskave.


fizioterapija;preventiva;rehabilitacija športnika;zvin gležnja;nogomet;nogometaš;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [L. Torić]
UDC: 615.8
COBISS: 86375427 Link will open in a new window
Views: 49
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Postrehabilitation program of a football player after lateral ankle sprain
Secondary abstract: Introduction and purpose: An ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries in football. Lateral ligaments are most often damaged in the sprain, especially the anterior tibiofibular ligament. The risk factors for the sprain are many, including muscle imbalance, poor ankle mobility and a previous ankle sprain. Methods: The literature search was conducted in the following online databases: the Cochrane Library, PEDro and PubMED. The inclusion criteria were literature relevant to the thesis topic, researches involving the implementation of preventive exercises to reduce the chances of re-injury, and the treatment of athletes after ankle sprain. Results: The literature review included 10 reasearch, that studied effectiveness of ankle prevention exercises. The results showed that implementation of preventive exercises during the rehabilitation phase reduces the chance of re-injuring the ankle. Usability: Demonstration of the effectiveness of preventive exercises in reducing the chances of re-injury. Limitations: We excluded content not related to athlete rehabilitation, articles older than 20 years, studies with too few subjects and open-ended research.
Secondary keywords: physiotherapy;prevention;rehabilitation of an athlete;ankle sprain;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0020382
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Visokošolski zavod Fizioterapevtika
Pages: I, 35 str.
ID: 13715136