primer portala Biblos
E-knjige so danes vse bolj priljubljene, dostop do njih pa je dokaj preprost. Bralci lahko do e-knjig dostopajo preko različnih naprav, najpogosteje dostopajo preko računalnika, pametnega telefona, tablice ali e-bralnika. V Sloveniji imamo samo en spletni portal, ki uporabnikom poleg nakupa omogoča tudi izposojo e-knjig iz slovenskih knjižnic. Magistrsko delo raziskuje uporabo portala Biblos za izposojo e-knjig; zanimala nas je funkcionalnost in uporabnost portala, zadovoljstvo in težave uporabnikov pri uporabi spletnega portala Biblos ter uporabniška izkušnja. V empiričnem delu smo opravili ekspertno študijo, uporabniško študijo, kjer smo opazovali uporabnike pri delu s portalom Biblos ter intervjuje s knjižničarji, kjer smo izvedeli njihovo mnenje o portalu. Na osnovi splošno sprejetih priporočil smo oblikovali okvir vrednotenja, kjer smo se osredotočili na značilnosti portala, prednosti in slabosti, učinkovitost, estetiko ter funkcionalnost, pregledali smo tudi uporabniško prijaznost vmesnika. S pridobljenimi rezultati smo izvedeli, kakšno je dejansko stanje portala Biblos in ugotovili, na kakšen način bi uporabniki želeli, da se portal izboljša. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da Biblos nekaj splošnih priporočil in smernic upošteva, vendar pa se pojavijo tudi odstopanja. Biblos od svojega nastanka ni bil deležen večjih sprememb, ampak gre zgolj za dopolnjevanje začetne različice sistema, zato lahko rečemo, da bi ga glede na ugotovitve morali izboljšati.
Biblos;e-knjige;elektronske knjige;uporabniška prijaznost;uporabniška izkušnja;bolonjske magistrske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2021 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[U. Turk] |
UDC: |
02:004.5(497.4)(043.2) |
Views: |
247 |
Downloads: |
41 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Evaluating portal for borrowing e-books: the case of Biblos |
Secondary abstract: |
E-books are becoming increasingly popular and access to them is quite easy. Readers can access ebooks on a variety of devices, most commonly via a computer, smartphone, tablet or e-reader. In Slovenia, there is only one web portal that allows users to borrow e-books from Slovenian libraries in addition to purchasing them. The master's thesis investigates the use of the Biblos portal for borrowing e-books, we were interested in the functionality and usability of the portal, user satisfaction and problems when using the Biblos portal and user experience. In the empirical part we conducted an expert study, a user study where we observed users working with the Biblos portal and interviews with librarians to get their opinion about the portal. Based on generally accepted recommendations, we developed an evaluation framework, focusing on the portal's features, strengths and weaknesses, efficiency, aesthetics and functionality, and we also looked at the userfriendliness of the interface. The results were used to find out what the actual state of the Biblos portal is and to assess how users would like the portal to be improved. It was found that Biblos follows some of the general recommendations and guidelines, but there are also deviations. Biblos has not undergone any major changes since its inception, but is merely an update of the initial version of the system, so our findings indicate that some improvements would be necessary. |
Secondary keywords: |
Uporabniški vmesniki;Magistrske naloge;Vrednotenje; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za bibliotekarstvo, informacijsko znanost in knjigarstvo; študijski program Bibliotekarstvo, informacijski in založniški študiji, smer Informacijska znanost |
Pages: |
70 f. |
ID: |
13748126 |