magistrsko delo
Eva Cepec (Author), Janja Trček (Mentor)


Zaradi vse večje ozaveščenosti potrošnikov o pomenu uživanja naravnih živil se povečuje tudi povpraševanje po jabolčnem nefiltriranem kisu, tako imenovanem motnem jabolčnem kisu. Motni jabolčni kis ob ostalih sestavinah vsebuje tudi ocetnokislinske bakterije. Povečan trend uporabe takšnega kisa pred proizvajalca in potrošnika postavlja vprašanje o potencialni odpornosti ocetnokislinskih bakterij proti antibiotikom. V tem delu smo zato preiskali odpornost različnih vrst in rodov ocetnokislinskih bakterij proti klinično pomembnim antibiotikom (ampicilinu, kloramfenikolu, ciprofloksacinu, trimetoprimu, eritromicinu in gentamicinu) na treh rastnih gojiščih (RAE, MA in GY). Odpornost smo analizirali z disk-difuzijsko metodo glede na prisotnost/odsotnost cone inhibicije okoli diskov z antibiotiki. Preiskali smo 12 sevov iz rodu Acetobacter in 22 predstavnikov iz rodu Komagateibacter. Delež odpornih sevov proti posameznemu antibiotiku se je med rastnimi gojišči razlikoval, na vseh gojiščih so preiskani seie v visokem deležu odporni proti trimetoprimu (97,1 %), eritromicinu (73,5 %), ciprofloksacinu (50,0 %) in kloramfenikolu (32,4 %). Rezistenco proti štirim antibiotikom smo ugotovili pri kar 17,6 % sevov, 29,4 % testiranih sevov je odpornih proti trem antibiotikom. Ker ocetnokislinske bakterije ali pa njihova DNA po zaužitju kisa, kefirja in drugih živilskih proizvodov, pri katerih sodelujejo ocetnokislinske bakterije, lahko pride v stik z mikrobioto prebavil človeka, bi v nadaljevanju morali preučiti možnost horizontalnega prenosa genov za odpornost proti antibiotikom iz ocetnokislinskih bakterij v bakterije, ki sestavljajo mikrobioto prebavil človeka.


magistrska dela;ocetnokislinske bakterije;odpornost proti antibiotikom;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [E. Cepec]
UDC: 579:575(043.2)
COBISS: 90076931 Link will open in a new window
Views: 488
Downloads: 61
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The influence of Growth Medium Composition on Antibiotic Resistance of Acetic Acid Bacteria
Secondary abstract: Due to the growing awareness of consumers about the importance of consuming natural foods, the demand for apple cider vinegar that is not filtered at the end of the technological process is increasing. The unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains in addition to other ingredients, also acetic acid bacteria. Increasing trends of using this type of vinegar raises a question of potential resistance of the acetic acid bacteria to antibiotics. In this work, we therefore investigated the resistance of different species and genera of acetic acid bacteria against clinically relevant antibiotics (ampicillin, chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, trimethoprim, erythromycin, and gentamicin) on three growth media (RAE, MA and GY). We analyzed resistance by the disk-diffusion method with respect to the presence/absence of inhibition zones around the discs with antibiotics. We investigated 12 strains of the genus Acetobacter and 22 representatives of the genus Komagateibacter. The percentages of resistant strains against antibiotics varied among growth media. However, on all three media high percentages of strains were resistant against trimethoprim (97.1 %), erythromycin (73.5 %), ciprofloxacin (50.0 %) and chloramphenicol (32.5 %). Resistance against four antibiotics was detected in 17.6% of strains and 29.4% of tested strains were resistant to three antibiotics. Because the acetic acid bacteria or their DNA may come into contact with the microbiota of the human gastrointestinal tract after ingestion of vinegar, kefir and other foods produced by acetic acid bacteria, it will be necessary to analyze in the future a possibility of horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance gene determinants from acetic acid bacteria to human bacterial gastrointestinal microbiota.
Secondary keywords: master theses;acetic acid bacteria;antibiotic resistance;Bakterije;Antibiotiki;Naravna imunost;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: VIII, 57 f.
ID: 13758221