magistrsko delo
Debora Oberžan (Author), Anja Jerčič Jakob (Mentor), Robert Potočnik (Co-mentor)


Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na dva sklopa. Prvi sklop magistrske naloge obsega teoretična izhodišča, na katerih sloni drugi sklop naloge oziroma empirični del. V teoretičnih izhodiščih izhajamo iz zgradbe očesa in dražljajev, ki so potrebni za tipno in vidno zaznavanje. Na podlagi kategorizacije slepote in slabovidnosti predstavimo načine obravnavanja oseb s slepoto in slabovidnostjo in njihove prilagoditve v vsakdanjem življenju. V nadaljevanju je razložen položaj oseb s slepoto in slabovidnostjo v Sloveniji, ki poda vpogled v to, koliko oseb s slepoto in slabovidnostjo je v Sloveniji, in razloži koncept njihove rehabilitacije pri nas. Zelo pomemben del magistrske naloge je tudi teorija barv, ki je povezana s pomenom svetlobe, brez katere barv ne bi videli. Svetloba je povezana tudi z vidom ‒ manj svetlobe kot je, manj vidimo. Barvo lahko povežemo tudi z zvokom, kar je odličen način za obrazložitev barv osebam s slepoto in slabovidnostjo. V nadaljevanju so opisane tipne tehnike in načini izdelave didaktičnih sredstev za osebe s slepoto in slabovidnostjo. Temu poglavju sledi poglavje o ilustraciji: elementi slikanice, besedilo v slikanici, likovni jezik, barva v slikanici, likovne prvine, likovne spremenljivke, oblikovanje slikanice, likovne tehnike in materiali, format in oblika, tipografija, naslovnica, postavitev slike, postavitev besedila in zgodovina ilustracije. Zgodovina ilustracije je podlaga za razumevanje zgodovine tipnih ilustracij in njeno umestitev v zgodovino. Sledi opis zgodovine tipnih slikanic in položaja tipnih slikanic v Sloveniji. Likovno tehniko, uporabljeno v avtorski tipni slikanici, uvrščamo na področje grafike, zato opišemo tudi delitev grafike na industrijsko in umetniško. Grafična likovna tehnika, uporabljena v tipni slikanici, je sitotisk, zato v magistrskem delu opišemo postopek izdelave doma narejenega sita za sitotisk. Sledi empirični del, ki je razeljen na likovno-praktični in likovno-didaktični del. V likovno-praktičnem delu je opisan postopek izdelave avtorske tipne slikanice, intervju z učenci in učitelji Centra Iris o avtorski tipni slikanici, opis izdelave ponovne tipne slikanice ter pomembne ugotovitve pri izdelavi tipnih slikanic. Likovno-didaktični del vsebuje vpeljavo tipne slikanice kot pripomočka za ozaveščanje učencev osnovne šole o osebah s slepoto in slabovidnostjo, analizo likovnih izdelkov in rezultate raziskave.


tipne slikanice;ilustracije;sitotisk;osebe s slepoto in slabovidnostjo;ozaveščanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Oberžan]
UDC: 37.015.31:7-056.262(043.2)
COBISS: 86001155 Link will open in a new window
Views: 129
Downloads: 13
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Creation of tactile picture books for children with blindness and visual impairment to sensitive pupils on adaptation for people with blindness and visual impairment
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis is divided into two parts. The first set of the master's thesis comprises the theoretical starting points on which the second set of the thesis, the empirical part, is based. In theoretical terms, we proceed from the structure of the eye and the stimuli that are so necessary for tactile and visual perception. Based on the categorization of blindness and low vision, it is based on ways of treating people with blindness and low vision in their adjustments in everyday life. Then, the position of people with blindness and low vision in Slovenia is presented, which looks at how many people with blindness and low vision are in Slovenia and explains the concept of rehabilitation of people with blindness and low vision in Slovenia. Very important of the master's thesis is also the color that is associated with the meaning of light; without which colors we would not see. Light is also associated with the meaning of sight; less light than it is — a minority we see. Color can also be associated with sound, which is great for explaining the colors of people with blindness and low vision. The following describes the tactile techniques and methods of making teaching aids for people with blindness and low vision. This chapter is followed by a chapter or illustration: picture book elements, text in picture book, art language, color in picture book, art elements, art variables, picture book design, art techniques in materials, inil format of forms, typography history of illustration. The history of illustration is the basis for understanding the history of tactile illustrations and inserting them into history. Born describes the history of tactile picture books and the position of tactile picture books in Slovenia. The art technique used in the author's tactile paintings is perfect in the field of graphics, so we also describe the division of graphics into industrial and artistic, and we describe screen printing. The graphic art technique used in tactile paintings is screen printing. We describe the process of making a home-made screen for screen printing. Born follows the empirical part, which is divided into art-practical and art-didactic part. The art-practical part describes the process of making author's keyboards, an interview with students and teachers of the Iris Center about the author's typefaces, a description of the production of repeated keys of picture books and important findings in the production of typewritten images. The art-didactic part contains introduced tactile images as a tool for raising awareness of primary school students or people with blindness and low vision, analysis of art products and research results.
Secondary keywords: art education;likovna vzgoja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Poučevanje: Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 76 str.
ID: 13762374