primer: primarna predelava bukovine


Potencial lesne surovine je v slovenski gozdno-lesni verigi pogosto neizkoriščen. S ciljem gospodarnejšega ravnanja z lesno surovino ob zagotavljanju posrednih učinkov na širše gospodarsko okolje je potrebno zagotoviti: (1) učinkovito delovanje celotne gozdno-lesne verige, ki zagotavlja proizvodnjo izdelkov z visoko dodano vrednostjo in (2) polno izkoriščanje potenciala lesne surovine glede na njeno kakovost. V članku smo preučili dodano vrednost v izdelkih, identificirali ključne izzive pri njenem vrednotenju ter njeno povezavo z drugimi ekonomskimi kazalniki, ki vplivajo na poslovne odločitve podjetij. Skupine izdelkov iz bukovine smo razvrstili glede na višino dodane vrednosti v izdelku in s tem pokazali na potenciale te surovine tudi z vidika vpliva na družbo in njen gospodarski razvoj. S tem smo potrdili pomen razvoja in delovanja celotne gozdno-lesne verige ter pomen državne gospodarske politike pri njenem delovanju. Podrobneje smo preučili stanje primarne predelave lesa kot pomembnega člena gozdno-lesne verige v Sloveniji ter identificirali nekatere vzroke za njeno neučinkovitost. Ocenili smo razpoložljivost surovine po kakovosti in namenu uporabe ter dodano vrednost na m 3 bukovine, s čimer smo poskušali pokazati na smiselnost investicij v najnovejšo tehnologijo za razžagovanje listavcev in proizvodnjo furnirja


dodana vrednost;gozdno-lesna veriga;primarna predelava lesa;bukovina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
UDC: 630*83
COBISS: 2793353 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0024-1067
Views: 622
Downloads: 140
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Added value of products in the forest wood supply chain
Secondary abstract: The potential of wood raw material in the Slovenian forest wood supply chain is often insufficiently exploited. The promotion of its more rational use, while having indirect effects on the wider economic environment, is necessary to: (1) ensure the effective functioning of the entire forest wood supply chain, providing products with high added value; and (2) fully exploit the potential of wood raw material in terms of quality. In the article we examined added value of beechwood products, identified key challenges in this evaluation, and the relationships with other economic indicators that affect business decisions. Beechwood products were classified according to the amount of value added, and thereby the potential of beechwood raw materials was demonstrated in terms of both the impact on society and economic development. We thus confirmed the importance of the development and operation of the entire forest wood supply chain, and the importance of government economic policy in its functioning. More specifically, the state of primary wood processing as an important part of forest wood supply chain in Slovenia was examined, and some reasons for its ineffectiveness were identified. The availability of raw materials based on quality and purpose of use, and the value added per cubic meter of beechwood, were assessed in order to prove the reasonableness of investments in the newest technologies for hardwood processing and veneer production
Secondary keywords: added value;forest wood supply chain;primary wood processing;assessment of market potential;beechwood;
Type (COBISS): Article
Pages: str. 61-72
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ66
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 2017
DOI: 10.26614/les-wood.2017.v66n01a06
ID: 13763254
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