magistrsko delo


Pri definiranju stresa so pomembne različne opredelitve, teorije in modeli stresa. Prva opredelitev, ki sta jo podala Holmes in Rahe, se osredotoča na zunanje vire stresa in predlaga, da do stresne reakcije pride zaradi zunanjih dražljajev. Večji kot je pritisk na posameznika, večja je možnost, da mu bo ta podlegel. Selye se je osredotočal na stres kot reakcijo, oziroma kot fiziološki odziv na škodljivi dražljaj, ki poteka v treh fazah: v prvi se telo na stres odzove z opozorilno reakcijo. V drugi stopnji – stopnji upora, se telo pripravi na spopad s stresom. Ko pa stres prične presegati posameznikove zmogljivosti, pride do končne faze – izčrpanosti. Zadnja faza doživljanja stresa je stanje izgorelosti oziroma burnout. Takrat telo pregori in tako podleže pritisku. Pojem izgorelost se običajno pojavi v kontekstu delovnega okolja. Delovna izgorelost obsega tri dimenzije: izčrpanost (izgorelost na čustveni ravni), cinizem (depersonalizacija) in izguba strokovne oziroma poklicne učinkovitosti. Poučevanje stresa in izgorelosti pri nepremičninskih posrednikih je smiselno zaradi velikega pritiska, ki je vsakodnevno prisoten na delovnem mestu, še posebej v situacijah, kjer zaposleni opravlja delo z ljudmi. Delu s strankami pripisujemo visoko raven stresa prav zaradi človeškega stika, ki s seboj prinese čustva in čustvene reakcije. Pri obvladovanju in preprečevanju stresa bi se tako morali pogovarjati že o preventivi.


delovno okolje;stres;stres na delovnem mestu;stresorji;izgorelost;obvladovanje;nepremičninski posredniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: V. Kacjan
UDC: 331.44
COBISS: 112905731 Link will open in a new window
Views: 73
Downloads: 15
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Problematics of stress and burnout on real estate agents
Secondary abstract: Different definitions, theories and models of stress are important in defining stress. The first definition given by Holmes and Rahe focuses on an external source of stress and suggests that a stress response occurs due to external stimuli. The greater the pressure on an individual, the greater the chance that he will succumb to it. Selye focuses on stress as a reaction, or as a physiological response to a harmful stimulus, which takes place in three stages: in the first, the body responds to stress with a warning reaction. In the second stage - the stage of resistance, the body prepares to cope with stress. However, when stress begins to improve an individual's performance, the final stage occurs - exhaustion. The last phase of experiencing stress is a state of burnout or burnout. Then the body burns out and thus succumbs to pressure. The concept of burnout usually occurs in the context of the work environment. Workplace burnout comprises three dimensions: exhaustion (emotional burnout), cynicism (depersonalization) and loss of professional or professional efficiency. Teaching stress and burnout to real estate agents makes sense because of the great pressure that is present on a daily basis in the workplace, especially in a situation where employees are working with people. We attribute high levels of stress to working with clients precisely because of human life, which brings with it emotions and emotional reactions. Prevention should be discussed when managing stress prevention.
Secondary keywords: Stress;workplace stress;stressors;burnout;real estate agent;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 80 str., 7 str. pril.
ID: 13978026