diplomska naloga
Alen Dolšak (Author), Boštjan Vrhovec (Mentor), Matjaž Jankovič (Mentor)


V pričujočem diplomskem delu sem predstavil potek celotnega postopka barvne obdelave filma, orodja, ki jih uporabljamo pri tem postopku, ter osnovno znanje, ki ga potrebujemo za barvno obdelavo filma. Poleg tega sem se dotaknil teorije barve ter razumevanja, kako barve delujejo kot pripovedovalno sredstvo na podzavestno (čustveno) raven. Opis procesov je razdeljen na dva dela, in sicer na opis procesa, ki izvaja večina študentov, ter opis procesa, ki sem ga sam uporabljal zaradi posebnih ciljev, ki sem si jih zadal za svoj praktični del diplomske naloge. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge sem opisal cilje svojega praktičnega dela, filma z naslovom Preden odideš, kako sem jih dosegel ter težave, na katere sem naletel med montažo filma.


barvna korekcija;barvni prostor;LUT;logaritmični zapis;HDR;video montaža;film;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Publisher: [A. Dolšak]
UDC: 791
COBISS: 90228739 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1269
Downloads: 69
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: In this diploma thesis, I will present the course of the entire movie color processing process, the tools we use in this process, and the basic knowledge we need before we start color processing the movie. In addition, I will explain color theory and how colors act as a narrative tool on the subconscious (emotional) level. The description of the processes will be divided into two parts, namely the description of the process that will be carried out by most future students, and the description of the process that I used for the specific goals I set for my practical part of the thesis. In the last part I will describe the goals of my practical work, how I achieved them and the problems I encountered in the editing process.
Secondary keywords: color grading;color space;LUT;logarithmic profile;HDR;video editing;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Novi Gorici, Akademija umetnosti
Pages: 72 str.
ID: 14010247
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