diplomsko delo
Nika Lap (Author), Tjaša Pogačar (Mentor)


Z naraščajočim številom prebivalstva se povečuje tudi potreba po hrani in s tem vpliv kmetijstva na okolje. Pridelati namreč želimo čim več, na omejeni količini površine. Naša dejanja ogrožajo življenje na našem planetu. Podnebne spremembe so več kot le segrevanje ozračja. Poleg naraščajočih temperatur, ki obremenjujejo kmetijska zemljišča po vsem svetu, lahko pričakujemo večje temperaturne ekstreme, spremenjene vzorce padavin, dvig morske gladine, zakisanje oceanov in vse več nepričakovanih vremenskih dogodkov. Takšne spremembe lahko prinesejo hude posledice za kmete in tudi potrošnike. Namen dela je predstaviti emisije toplogrednih plinov, ki izhajajo iz kmetijstva, predvsem živinoreje, saj je to prevladujoča kmetijska panoga v Sloveniji, in njihov vpliv na spreminjajoče se podnebje. Izpostavljam težave, do katerih zaradi teh emisij prihaja, ter ukrepe, s katerimi posledice emisij lahko omilimo. Predstavljam tudi, kako na kmetiji spremljati podnebne spremembe. V diplomski nalogi se osredotočam na ukrepe, ki jih lahko tako kmetje, kot tudi nekmečko prebivalstvo izvedejo, da pripomorejo k zmanjšanim emisijam. Podani so tudi konkretni primeri iz kmetij in dobre kmetijske prakse, ki so pripomogle k zmanjšanju okoljskega odtisa kmetije.


podnebne spremembe;spremljanje;blaženje;prilagajanje;kmetijstvo;okolje;emisije;toplogredni plini;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [N. Lap]
UDC: 551.583:63(043.2)
COBISS: 87163907 Link will open in a new window
Views: 286
Downloads: 41
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Monitoring and mitigation of climate change on the farm
Secondary abstract: As the population grows, so does the need for food and thus the impact of agriculture on the environment. We wish to produce as much as possible, on a limited amount of land, and our actions threaten the life on our planet. Climate change is more than just global warming. In addition to rising temperatures, which affect agricultural land around the world, we can expect higher temperature extremes, altered precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, acidification of the oceans and even more unexpected weather events. Such changes can have serious consequences for the farmers, and also the consumers. The purpose of this thesis is to present greenhouse gas emissions that come from agriculture, especially livestock, as this is the predominant agricultural sector in Slovenia, and their impact on the changing climate. I point out the problems caused by those emissions and the measures that can be taken to mitigate the effects of them. I also present how to monitor climate change on a farm. In my thesis I focus on the measures that a farmer and non-farming individuals can take to help reduce the emissions. In addition, I have described some examples on the farm and the good agricultural practices which have helped to reduce the environmental footprint of the farm and improved the production of it.
Secondary keywords: climate change;monitoring;mitigation;adaptation;farming;environment;emissions;greenhouse gases;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: VI, 20 str.
ID: 14040741
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