magistrsko delo
Klara Šumak (Author), Gregor Žvelc (Mentor)


Ukrepi za zajezitev koronavirusa so posegli tudi v delo psihoterapevtov, ki so se bili prisiljeni začasno preusmeriti na psihoterapijo prek spleta. Cilj naše raziskave je bil raziskati, kako so to obliko dela doživljali psihoterapevti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 113 slovenskih psihoterapevtov, ki so v času epidemije koronavirusa izvajali psihoterapijo prek spleta. Rešili so spletno anketo, ki je poleg demografskih vprašanj vključevala vprašanja, vezana na psihoterapevtsko dejavnost, odprta vprašanja o doživljanju te oblike dela, lestvici zaskrbljenosti v zvezi s koronavirusom in vidiki psihoterapije prek spleta in dva pripomočka - Vprašalnik terapevtske prisotnosti in Lestvica zaznanega stresa. Kvalitativen del raziskave smo analizirali po principih utemeljene analize. Psihoterapevti so poročali o različnih odporih klientov do te oblike dela v obliki odklonilnega vedenja in doživljanja neprijetnih čustev, skrbi glede zasebnosti in tehnologije ter oteženega psihoterapevtskega procesa. Glavne prednosti psihoterapije prek spleta, ki jih navajajo, so lažja organizacija, ekonomičnost, dosegljivost, kontinuiranost, varnost in udobje, olajšana komunikacija in ugodnejši potek psihoterapije. Izstopajoče slabosti te oblike dela pa so izzivi tehnologije, manjkajoče informacije, oslabljen stik s klientom, spremenjen psihoterapevtski proces in primanjkljaj varnega okolja. Kvantitativen del raziskave poroča o najmočnejši povezanosti med doživljanjem stresa in skrbjo glede financ ter povezanostih med skrbjo glede prilagoditve psihoterapevtskega procesa v spletno okolje in terapevtsko prisotnostjo ter neprisotnostjo. Odkrili smo tudi, da je terapevtska prisotnost višja pri posameznikih, ki so pred epidemijo koronavirusa že kdaj izvajali psihoterapijo prek spleta. Nazadnje pa smo ugotovili, da imajo psihoterapevti boljše stališče o tej obliki dela po tem, ko so jo izvajali sami, kot pred tem. Področje psihoterapije prek spleta je v Sloveniji slabo raziskano, zato je pomembno, da se ta tematika še naprej raziskuje. Upamo, da so naše ugotovitve v pomoč vsem psihoterapevtom, ki se odločajo za izvajanje psihoterapije prek spleta.


psihoterapija;spletna terapija;psihoterapevtski procesi;psihoterapevti;COVID-19;stres;magistrska dela;Vprašalnik terapevtske prisotnosti TPI-T;Lestvica zaznanega stresa PSS;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Šumak]
UDC: 615.851:004.738.5(043.2)
COBISS: 98006019 Link will open in a new window
Views: 233
Downloads: 49
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Online psychotherapy during the covid-19 pandemic through the eyes of psychotherapists
Secondary abstract: The measures to contain the coronavirus have also affected the work of psychotherapists, who were forced to switch to online psychotherapy. The aim of our research was to explore how psychotherapists experienced this form of work. Study involved 113 Slovenian psychotherapists who were providing psychotherapy online at the time of coronavirus epidemic. They completed an online survey which, in addition to demographic questions, included questions related to psychotherapeutic activity, open-ended questions about the experience of this form of work, a scale of concerns about coronavirus and aspects of online psychotherapy, and two instruments - the Therapeutic Presence Questionnaire and the Perceived Stress Scale. The qualitative part of the study was analysed according to the principles of grounded analysis. Psychotherapists reported a range of client resistance behaviour to online psychotherapy in the form of disengaged behaviour and experiencing unpleasant emotions, concerns about privacy and technology, and difficulties in the psychotherapeutic process. The main cited advantages of online psychotherapy were easier organisation, cost-effectiveness, accessibility, continuity, safety, and convenience, facilitated communication and a more favourable course of psychotherapy. The main disadvantages of this form of work are technology challenges, missing information, weakened contact with a client, altered psychotherapeutic process and a lack of safe environment. The quantitative part of the study reports the strongest link between experiencing stress and caring for finances as well as links between worry about adjusting psychotherapeutic process in the online environment along with therapeutic presence and absence. We also found that therapeutic presence was higher in individuals who had previous experiences with online psychotherapy before coronavirus epidemic. And, lastly, we found that psychotherapists have a better opinion on online psychotherapy once they practiced it themselves. The field of online psychotherapy is under-researched in Slovenia, and it is important that this topic is further explored. We hope that our findings are helpful to all psychotherapists who choose to practice online psychotherapy.
Secondary keywords: psychotherapy;online therapy;psychotherapeutic processes;psychotherapists;COVID-19;stress;masters theses;Therapeutic presence inventory - therapist TPI-T;The perceived stress scale PSS;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: 57 str.
ID: 14040742